I actually had a phone mount to the handle bars to do video and the Quality of phone video really sucks, but it was nice being able to see the trail map while riding. this was before I knew the layout of any park and was always riding solo
Need a cam with multi direction gyros for stabilization. Think of getting one of those Chinese $100 specials. There's one called Firefly which has good reviews
Anybody running today, I'm shutting down and hitting the books but want to look out for you. Even better PM me your Strava info and I'll be your friend
Back to skilz. How about wheel placement, you know wheelie to an object and place wheel on it and such? Flick rocks off the trail with the front wheel. Trials stuff.
Need a cam with multi direction gyros for stabilization. Think of getting one of those Chinese $100 specials. There's one called Firefly which has good reviews
I thought I heard the Yi cam was actually good. It wasn't actually the stabilization that was the issue it was keeping up with my blinding speed the film was really grainy, it doesn't do well with action filming.
Dude... my cardio does not suck... well... it aint too bad lol
You guys would be eating my dust right now if I didn't get hit with the fire and lose saddle time! :p

Next year, I plan on getting back on the commuter bike at which point.... I am sure I will make you suffer. :eek:
Is the POS still parked in the city?
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