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  • Could use the eggbeaters. What model are they?
    We live close enough. I'm next to blackwell.
    Hi Kirt. Nice to meet you today. Thanks for the clamp!
    We had a great time at CR for our first visit. We rode red. White and blue.
    Blue was my favorite. Keep up the great work!
    We'll be back!

    Hey Kirt its Paul from Kent International Inc. Im very interested in doing some chimney rock rides when the weather breaks! Finally built up a xc machine! Keep me in mind when your gonna ride!
    Congratulations....NJ State Mountain Bike Champ..... Sport Class only of course !!! LOL.... See how it makes you cry a little inside ?? I only had to wait 8 years to get my payback !!
    Hey Kirt, good to see you last week and hope you're feeling better. You mentioned you may have some tires I could check out, did you say pythons? I am considering running these (tubeless) on my stans rims. Would like to somehow get this going before Tymor so let me know if that can work somehow. THanks man
    I rode RV yesterday and there were alot of sticker bushes encroaching into the trail. Just thought I'd give you a heads up and let you know I'd go to the next TM(not sure when it is) to help prune back vegation. Other than that RV is still one of the best places to ride after rains, it drains well and doesnt hold alot of moisture.
    Chris Brawley
    Not really getting the freinds thing yet with the new site but it is sad logging on and seeing "you have no freinds" 🙂
    Hey Kirt, I figured that you saw me lurking on your page recently, just trying to see who is moving up age wise after this season. Am I the only old guy moving up?
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