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  • Hey matt the next time you do TM at DP or stephens let me know .Would be glad to help out .
    Matt ,

    Good seeing you and Patty at the Jungle Jam. I meant to catch up with you and give you my cards but forgot. If you have anyone that needs electric work, call me at (908) 832 - 5454. My company name is Evergreen Electric, Inc. Thanks,

    Dave Como
    Hey Matt, I bought Extremedave's Misfit. Hit me up next time your riding 6 mile or Allaire. Thanks , Steve
    Matt - are you still planning to head out Sun? What time? Depending on conditions...if they're way soft, I might take out the CX bike for a mixed surface ride but may be a little later in the morning. txt me (801-971-9554) or msg me here, I'll check back in tomorrow. Tnx. Chris
    Hey Matt,
    Thnx for checking in. Took ten weeks off the bike after BS because of knee hassles.
    Back to riding locally on weekends in between two jobs and getting ready for my wedding on 11/26.
    hope all is well with you and yours.
    how was ride with koz today? did he show? I did a 73 mile rd ride with some Cranford bike shop guys. Good group of guys!
    Yup I am sspeeding for sure... I am going in blind and just going to ride my heart out:getsome:
    Hey Matt, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to chat with you yesterday, thanks for the cheering and the tunes, it kept me going! If you wouldn't mind could you keep me in the loop for your famous Allamuchy loops? I'm in for the 4 hr race and I need a tour.


    Kevin "Case"
    I am your 666th profile visitor... I just noticed you joined the team... Are you doing a lot of the h2h series??? I know you the race but you should head up to Williams Lake if it doesnt conflict... Would love to see you there man....

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