Allaire Conditions

Are there dates for the 2025 TM schedule yet?
Not yet - @mike_243 should have them shortly.

In the coming months I plan on addressing some of the wetter areas as well a starting to get ahead of trimming

If there are any pressing issues in the Hospital Road / Allenwood Road yourself or anyone else can feel free to message me here or post it publicly on the forum.
We will be posting our trail dates soon stay tuned.
As John has pointed out and a lot of us already know, Allaire does drain well But we still get damaged by riding wet or soft trails.
Also we always except people out on our TM days this is a good way to catch on to what and why we do to keep the trails as nice as we do.
Hope you can join some of them.

The Allaire crew.
I hiked a loop up Blind to Crank it up and out Steelman. The snow was nice, there was one mud spot on Orange in the sun. It did not seem slick at all - knobby fat tires will be your friend but a knobby 2.1 should be fine. The inch or two Allaire received is pretty packed in.

I think if you finish up by 1pm tomorrow you will be solid.

Sunday and Monday temps will turn everything into a mess. If people put miles in Sunday and Monday the ruts will freeze Tuesday - Thursday and make it awful.
Tree down on Tiger
Orange coming out of the main lot is mushad, so I'd say avoid it if possible. Everything else past that heading towards the power lines was really, really good. Didn't stray down to the river as the area just past the airfield was mushy as well.

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