Philly: Belmont Plateau


JORBA Board Member/Chapter Leader
Repeating what I read on-line. Unable to find any news source besides the 1/10/25 ABC6 link.
Rider was attacked by five dogs at Belmont Plateau. Two of the five dogs have been caught. Three dogs still remain loose. Rider lost both legs below the knee. There is a gofundme to help the rider.

Donated. I can't imagine what this guy's going through.
I'd never guess this would be something to happen in a city park of all places.
Donated last night. Goal was $15k and already been raised to $25k.

As a Belmont regular, this concerns me a bit and will avoid riding there until more info is available about the other dogs.
Went above $25k and currently at $27k+ with a goal of $30k. The last social media post I saw with updates said he's in decent spirits and the other dogs are still loose.
I wonder how much effort they're putting in to catch the dogs. Seems like public risk is high. Is the park open?
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