Sourlands Mountain Preserve Conditions

I hiked Sourland’s today with intension of scouting for a ride. Some of the sections looked comfortable for me to ride but others I would definitely have to walk it 😂

Practice some more at Camp Cromwell before I attempt Sourland.
I hiked Sourland’s today with intension of scouting for a ride. Some of the sections looked comfortable for me to ride but others I would definitely have to walk it 😂

Practice some more at Camp Cromwell before I attempt Sourland.
I like to check off boxes…like I rode a new feature or cleaned a part I haven’t before.
Had my first go here early yesterday morning. Definitely very challenging terrain, and particularly so at 6:45 am with very low light (and no headlamp cuz I'm hardcore).

Everything I rode (Lower Trail, New Shoes, Three Amigos, Montezuma, Pipeline) was in great shape - dry and only minimal leaf cover so far.

The trail markers were excellent -- overall they seemed much better than the places I typically go (CR, 6MR). Maybe those places aren't that bad and I just never noticed, but this place definitely stuck out to me as a well marked trail system.

Many thanks to those who put in effort to maintain the trails.
Meant to attach this photo. Looking very pretty.

Here's everything we trimmed back this past weekend. These trails should be opened up and pricker-free. Top off your sealant though, because i'm not sure how well we cleared the trimmings off the trail, we were moving quickly to cover a lot of ground.
Has anyone been to Sourlands since the snow came down? Wondering if it's worth the drive down to ride on frozen dirt and dry rocks tomorrow.
Has anyone been to Sourlands since the snow came down? Wondering if it's worth the drive down to ride on frozen dirt and dry rocks tomorrow.
There is snow everywhere that there is not direct sun. Not just a little. I live a mile away and we have 3-5” settled.
I'm planning to be there Friday and will try to get this one on "Tumbling Stairs" feature. At least it looks like the rocks haven't been messed with too much.
I should be around on Friday. Let me know if you need help with that. Probably needs more than one cut.

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