We ride for Uncle Jerry!!

Happy birthday Jdog ride….without @jdog !! Got another good ride in today, weather is cooperating this week with rain on Monday….when I’m in the lab!!

Another day of originally high aspiration, that got muted when I had a little dizzy spell on my pre ride dog walk. Took a brief break and started a local loop. A few rights instead of lefts later, and that may have been the longest ride yet this year.



Waiting for the train again

Mountain biking is not a crime

Do you know the source of the dizzy spells? When my hemoglobin levels were low I had dizziness and lethargy.
Do you know the source of the dizzy spells? When my hemoglobin levels were low I had dizziness and lethargy.
I’m going back to Doctor tomorrow. Last year they said Long Covid. Have been to cardiologist, neurologist and whoever does vertigo stuff. And all said I’m good. I do have a Vasovagal syncope problem which is why I have a pacemaker. That’s more related to fainting. But it may be all tied together.
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