Sobriety- Alcohol vs ice cream?

Kinda fun reading what non ultra endurance people think ultra endurance people do. Falls into the everyone is an expert in 2024 category I guess 😂
Ultra endurance seems like a completely different animal as far as fueling. You go so slow, you could probably have a 7 course meal during an event.
running a 2:15 marathon.
don't count me out yet
if you're looking for volunteers for a small study on the effects of ice cream and M&Ms on the body, I'm willing to give up a week of my time to volunteer.
don't count me out of this either
87 days sober and the sugar crave is so real…
That must be hard. Someone told me to try real hot chocolate (high quality cocoa mixed with your choice of milk) with cinnamon to scratch the itch?
From everything I’ve ever heard or read, When you are working out, there is no difference.
Maybe not but also maybe. Is it random that my doctor said I had high protein levels in my kidneys when I did my last bloodwork or is this from all of the cycling drinks that I “burn off “?
One of our Rando Members is big on McDonald's Fries. I've never tried it but maybe if you keep them in the cardboard thing?
Everyone knows you have to eat McDonald’s fries within 5 mins outta the fryer or they suck.
You know who spoke ill of ice cream? Nazis.

And slave traders. And Jeffrey Dahmer.

Choose your company wisely.
Everyone knows you have to eat McDonald’s fries within 5 mins outta the fryer or they suck.

I’ve only eaten McDonald’s fries within 30 seconds of getting them.

Pro Tip for finger food that keeps very well, Sheetz Mac N’ Cheese bites.
I just threw up a little in my mouth
Well then you'd really appreciate when I had some friends pledging a fraternity and they had to keep a McD's cheeseburger in their pocket for a week. They were supposed to take a bite on demand at the request of any big brother.
Carbs/calories are all the same at some point

I was smashing sour patch kids by the box full when I did that 200 mile ride in circles through the night
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