Allaire Conditions

Boy it has been a bit, but the crew on this site always gives me inspiration to get out there - that’s why I keep coming back and that is why I love all of you!

It’s been a long time since I have seen this much water at this spot - maybe twenty years - but it sure looked cool today!

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I've been riding there almost 10 years (holy cow) and never saw water in the spot til today!
I was talking to the park rep last weekend and he said the water table is higher than he’s seen in years. They are having issues with water in the buildings at the village. There is a lake right by the W18th ave lot now.
I was talking to the park rep last weekend and he said the water table is higher than he’s seen in years. They are having issues with water in the buildings at the village. There is a lake right by the W18th ave lot now.
Noticed they had pumps running on the Edgar Felix Bike Path near the service entrance and further down by Hospital Road. A lot of areas out by Briz are very wet/muddy. Wish the riders would not make rutted areas worse.
Noticed they had pumps running on the Edgar Felix Bike Path near the service entrance and further down by Hospital Road. A lot of areas out by Briz are very wet/muddy. Wish the riders would not make rutted areas worse.

Same rules as usual: if you need to go through a puddle/mud...

Slow down to walking speed (no wake), and go straight through the middle. If you can't do that, walk. If you can't do THAT, turn around and go home.
Pulled up to the parking lot and there was standing water, wet gravel. Guessing there was a quick, heavy hitter overnight/this AM. Conditions weren't too bad considering.
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While I can appreciate the delicious, delicious irony...

The path has got to be an incredibly low priority. I would imagine it won't be fixed until the fall, once the tourists are gone.

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