Bear Encounters?

I was in Kittatinny and suddenly my friend yells, "bear left". I'm thinking, "hey moron, the trail goes right -- this is no left turn". Well, my thoughts were interupted when I saw this mama black bear not 10 feet away from me digging on the side of the rock armored section I was riding through. She and I saw each other at the same time and we both scattered. Yikes! Then I saw the cubs -- they were on the other side of the trail! Double Yikes! I got out of there quickly.
This reminds me of an interesting fact, while in alaska, we carried bells and pepper spray while hiking. it was important to tell which bears were in the area by the bear scat - Black & Brown Bears are vegetarians, where Grizzlies, not so much. By checking the scat, finding berries, and a a not so unpleasant smell would indicate a safe area. When Grizzlies are in the area, the scat smells like pepper spray, and has bells in it.

i'm not witty enough to make-up stuff like that. although my assessment of Norm's 3D interpretation of life, on the dining room table, was almost legit.
I ran across a mama and two cubs riding the American Standard at Jim Thorpe in PA years ago. Can around a corner and there they were. Not 25 yards. More like 10. The cubs immediately scattered while mama stood there looking at me. I just got off my bike and put it down so she would recognize me as a human and slowly backed away. She slowly trotted after the cubs while checking on me every few feet until they disappeared into the woods.

Exact same thing happened to me two summers ago on 6-bridges trail in Ringwood. I stopped, slowly dismounted and walked carefully back on the trail, making sure to keep my eye on mama bear without staring at her. After 20 feet, I jumped on the bike and hightailed it outta there. :eek:
Exact same thing happened to me two summers ago on 6-bridges trail in Ringwood. I stopped, slowly dismounted and walked carefully back on the trail, making sure to keep my eye on mama bear without staring at her. After 20 feet, I jumped on the bike and hightailed it outta there. :eek:

I just stood there and watched as they walked away. I was a few minutes ahead of my buddy at the top of a climb and it was the first time I had encountered a bear on the trail. While I was standing there, not 10 feet away from me two deer got up out of the underbrush and bolted away. THAT scared the crap out of me! :rolleyes:
well as usual i have to eat my words.....solid bear encounter today at lewis morris its quite a long story but ill spare you.....bottom line is we and by we i mean first 3 then 5 people had a very very angry bear actually charge at us and chase us a bit today at lewis morris....we found out later she had been seperated from her cub which actually makes me feel awful....i still love bears and still think its great to see them to be honest....
Wow likeloud! Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. That's some scary Sh**t. I had another encounter Friday night at Deer Park. I just stopped, talked out loud, and it slowly walked away. I love to see them too...just not too close
well as usual i have to eat my words.....solid bear encounter today at lewis morris its quite a long story but ill spare you.....bottom line is we and by we i mean first 3 then 5 people had a very very angry bear actually charge at us and chase us a bit today at lewis morris....we found out later she had been seperated from her cub which actually makes me feel awful....i still love bears and still think its great to see them to be honest....

did you guys run away? biked away? how did you first see the bear?? glad you are safe.
That is the sound a go pro pulls in when on a handle bar. doesn't matter what bike it is mounted to it sounds like that. bike is a fat bike farley and actually very quiet on the trails
You gotta see what the bears are saying about you guys in the forum under the "People Encounters" thread..

Their perspective is more like if we were to explain a theif breaking into our house and performing stupid human tricks when their spotted.

They have a whole subsection on stupid bells and pepper spray.
You gotta see what the bears are saying about you guys in the forum under the "People Encounters" thread..

Their perspective is more like if we were to explain a theif breaking into our house and performing stupid human tricks when their spotted.

They have a whole subsection on stupid bells and pepper spray.

site not linking up.
I had another encounter Friday night at Deer Park.

There is a big one roaming around Deer Park; I've seen him/her 3 times within the past month. No issues; the bear took it's time walking away. Still takes your breath away at first.
There is a big one roaming around Deer Park; I've seen him/her 3 times within the past month. No issues; the bear took it's time walking away. Still takes your breath away at first.

I think I may have seen the same one on a ride a few weeks ago. Last year I was on blue around the pond (near the pines) and came around a bend and a little guy was just off the trail to the left, way close. He startled and headed up the hill and I hit the pedals hard worried that Mamma might be nearby.
Me three...Also saw a very large one last Friday night on the trail back to the parking lot (not white, the other winding one). He was right in my way, I had to wait for him to leave and he was in no hurry! Here is a not so good pic 20140711_181845.jpg
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