Colonoscopy, how long after...

My lunch, I could get used to this.

Agree with @iman29 , anyone over 45 should get one. Colon cancer is easily detected and prevented. My MIL had colon cancer and it was terrible.
OK its prep time. I am fasting day today for 8AM appointment tomorrow, have to be there for 7AM. I put this off way too long so I am a little nervous about what they might find, but again I have not had any suspect symptoms since my last one. I would have done this earlier this year but my oldest son was recovering from shoulder surgery during March/April so had to wait.

Doc prescribed me the liquid prep thats one dose this evening at 6PM, and then I have to wake up at 2AM to take the final dose of 16 oz of the liquid mix. I am already dreading the taste and the hours I will spend on the toilet but its a small price to pay in the end (pun intended).

debating to ride or exercise today which will only make me more hungry than I already am. I usually eat small meals throughout the day so I dont want to go into more of a food/calorie deficit than needed and start to feel wonky.
Good luck Ian, I ended up mixing my laxative with a gallon of lemon lime Gatorade. Wasn't terrible but have zero urge to drink it since then
Good luck Ian, I ended up mixing my laxative with a gallon of lemon lime Gatorade. Wasn't terrible but have zero urge to drink it since then
Went today all done.

My prep was Rx and 16oz each dose. only mixing with water. It was pretty awful but I made the water ice cold from the fridge and just chugged it.
Things to add, I took 2 stool softeners Monday night for my procedure today.

Get a bidet, your butt will love it.

Update: nothing found in the colon, I'm good for 5 yrs.

Edit: I was told I could excersize tomorrow
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Got the pathology report back on all the polyps in the report in the online patient portal and had my 30 seconds of anxiety while I googled the medical terminology.

TL; DR: all 5 are benign and very common but could develop into cancerous ones if left untreated. Whew.

I’ll wait for the official letter from the doc office but based on # found I expect to repeat this in 3 years.

Not gonna lie I was more than a little worried and mad at myself for waiting 14 years. That won’t happen again and maybe next time my prep will be berry Gatorade flavored Miralax.

Hypocrite alert: I’ll say it again if you haven’t done this and are over 45+ then WTF are you waiting for.
Got the pathology report back on all the polyps in the report in the online patient portal and had my 30 seconds of anxiety while I googled the medical terminology.

TL; DR: all 5 are benign and very common but could develop into cancerous ones if left untreated. Whew.

I’ll wait for the official letter from the doc office but based on # found I expect to repeat this in 3 years.

I was told 3 years after my first one for similar reasons. Just had procedure about a month ago and they said 5 years this time. I was hoping to do the meds this time, but my Dr. said he had too many repeats for not clear images, and stands liquid by prep. Drink consistency was similar but taste much more tolerable.

Ass previously posted, it's really not that bad. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to have it done.
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