Going Long and Hard.

Where is tracker link so I can race with you from the office?

Good luck Jim! May the odds be ever in your favor.
depends on where the inbound plane is coming from, hopefully not south
winds pick up right around 8 and get worst through the day, good luck getting out on time

btw: I noticed a lot of the familiar names are not registered this time and a smaller field than past years
if your flight is cancelled...you could just ride there...oh wait, you already shipped your bike, right?

i hope you make it out...good luck!
btw: I noticed a lot of the familiar names are not registered this time and a smaller field than past years

This is the hardest race in North America. Only 6 people total have finished the 200-Mile Route if that puts anything into perspective. Most folks were at Tuscobia this past weekend instead. Chris Plesko is no joke though if you've ever read anything about him. He holds the SS Tour Divide Record and has finished the ITI several times SS. I can't even comprehend that effort. Super nice guy though, I look forward to spending some time on the trail with him.
Hoping the travel gods smile down on you.
And don't forget to put the winter air in your tires.

Have fun, murder faces.
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