Group Ride September 10th Allaire (Schilling Ride).


Well-Known Member
Team MTBNJ Halter's

Our next group ride is less then 2 weeks away on Saturday September 10th, 9am-12pm @Allaire.

We host this ride every September at Allaire for a deceased teammate, Chris Schilling.

Whether you knew Chris or not, group rides are fun, and that's what Schilling would want most, a group ride to celebrate people on mountain bikes.

So let us be joyful, pencil in the date and post up if you can make it. This is usually well attended and I'll be seeking ride leaders, reach out if you can lead or sweep a ride.

Arrive by 8:45 or earlier, the lot fills quickly. Car pooling is highly recommended.

Park here.
Allaire State Park Trailhead

@Norm @MissJR

I plan on being there with my daughter. We'll go off last and do our super easy "kids" loop... it's about 5-7 miles w/ Frequent stops pending the mood.

She turns 7 in January so if anyone else wants to bring their child they can ride with us.
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It will take me a while to find my flash drives from back then! For now, here are a few that I did find.

After a Jungle Habitat ride. Ok, Chris is in the back, but those burgers are talked about to this day and how fast he ate his, along with Frank!
6.2010 Burgers.jpg

MTBNJ Lewis Morris picnic, Chris far left. I didn't take the pic, but I found it in my collection.
LM Picnic.jpg

You had to be there for this one. @Frank ??!! Hehe!!!
Sausage party.jpg
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