Hartshorne Trail maintenance info

Trails were awesome today!! However, tomorrow with the warm weather they will be crappy.

@pooriggy tree dowm on rocky point, probably chain saw needed to cut
Tomorrow is the eclipse. Call out sick, come to Huber and help us on trails, then we'll ride bikes and check out the eclipse from Twin Lights. You'll thank me later.

4/8- Eclipse Trail Maintenance Monday.
9am-12pm; eclipse ride afterwards.
Park at; 25 Browns Dock rd Locust.

Let me know if you can make it.

Monday TMs are back at Hartshorne. We finished up a section of Rocky Point that was wet all winter due to water flowing out of the ground from the water table.

This area recently dried up enough to work it without making mud. I came in with a Ditch Witch and cut a 1' trench where the water had been flowing. We opened up the trench and made a swale. The material we took out was used to raise the tread. Cut & Fill.

This won't be tested until next winter, when the water table rises again, but I wanted to do this now so I wouldn't forget. This area was a mess for the last 4 months.





Thanks to the crew for getting this in, and getting machine back upright after I rolled it on a root.
@don, @knobbyhead , Steve, @SAM , Brian, @ChrisRNC, Ken, Andy.
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Monday TMs are back at Hartshorne. We finished up a section of Rocky Point that was wet all winter due to water flowing out of the ground from the water table.

This area recently dried up enough to work it without making mud. I came in with a Ditch Witch and cut a 1' trench where the water had been flowing. We opened up the trench and made a swale. The material we took out was used to raise the tread. Cut & Fill.

This won't be tested until next winter, when the water table rises again, but I wanted to do this now so I wouldn't forget. This area was a mess for the last 4 months.

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Thanks to the crew for getting this in, and getting machine back upright after I rolled it on a root.
@don, @knobbyhead , Steve, @SAM , Brian, @ChrisRNC, Ken, Andy.
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That swale is swell!!

@pooriggy and some of the crew walking the Ditch Witch up trail. Easy to get up with a bike - not so much with a skinny and top heavy machine.


Pic of the yesterday's work area before the TM started. Iggy said the ground water was coming out an making a total mess of the trail (blue line). So much so a new trail was being formed to the left (red line). Bit of a bummer the roots had to be cut out for the drainage work but this section of trail was the definition of blown out (width wise). With the amount of traffic and weather this trail gets I'm sure there will be some added tech soon enough.


While Iggy and the rest of the crew were dealing with the drainage issues below, Knobby and I went up a bit to dial in some of the work from the previous week. @knobbyhead massaged a turn (green line) that seemed like it was pushing riders out to a drain we built last week. A cut root and added rock and dirt give it a natural looking bank and should help direct riders. We also cut out a water drain (blue line) that was full of rock and roots. Those rocks and the good material were used to build back a corner of the side of the trail that was washed away from water draining in from a rogue short cut trail near by.


Another view looking down of the area. Blue line is the projected water flow. Red is where we built out about 2ft. The green lines are the climbing line with a steeping stone and a little skip option going downhill. Between them is the same rollable root drop.

Funny comment from a runner while I was working - he said something along the lines that we were taming a fun section for when he mtn bikes. He kept running but wanted to tell them that we didn't remove any rocks and last week I actually added some tooth set stone to help dilute water before it builds up power. Plus - how did he not see a potential root skip to hip landing?? It's nothing big but should be fun :shrug:


Mid TM view of the rocks we piled to build up the eroded area. That was the first round. More were added to bring it out even more. Should provide some chunk once the material settles and fills in the cracks.
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@pooriggy and some of the crew walking the Ditch Witch up trail. Easy to get up with a bike - not so much with a skinny and top heavy machine.

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Pic of the yesterday's work area before the TM started. Iggy said the ground water was coming out an making a total mess of the trail (blue line). So much so a new trail was being formed to the left (red line). Bit of a bummer the roots had to be cut out for the drainage work but this section of trail was the definition of blown out (width wise). With the amount of traffic and weather this trail gets I'm sure there will be some added tech soon enough.

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While Iggy and the rest of the crew were dealing with the drainage issues below, Knobby and I went up a bit to dial in some of the work from the previous week. @knobbyhead massaged a turn (green line) that seemed like it was pushing riders out to a drain we built last week. A cut root and added rock and dirt give it a natural looking bank and should help direct riders. We also cut out a water drain (blue line) that was full of rock and roots. Those rocks and the good material were used to build back a corner of the side of the trail that was washed away from water draining in from a rogue short cut trail near by.

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Another view looking down of the area. Blue line is the projected water flow. Red is where we built out about 2ft. The green lines are the climbing line with a steeping stone and a little skip option going downhill. Between them is the same rollable root drop.

Funny comment from a runner while I was working - he said something along the lines that we were taming a fun section for when he mtn bikes. He kept running but wanted to tell them that we didn't remove any rocks and last week I actually added some tooth set stone to help dilute water before it builds up power. Plus - how did he not see a potential root skip to hip landing?? It's nothing big but should be fun :shrug:

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Mid TM view of the rocks we piled to build up the eroded area. That was the first round. More were added to bring it out even more. Should provide some chunk once the material settles and fills in the cracks.
This new section rides really nice. Both uphill and down.
A good sized crew of heavy hitting TMers came out on Monday. @pooriggy 's plan to do some re-routing in the field area is coming along nicely.


There were a lot of stone left over from being dropped on the old trail. I'm guessing use and weather had them spread all over the place. We felt they would make a great base so a gravesite was carved out and that good material was used for a top layer on the tread of the trail higher up.


Picture of all the stone farmed out of the surrounding area and filled in. Shame this will be covered up. The guys moved a literal ton!



Soil being placed on top.


Quick pic of the where the old trail was. This previous area had an abrupt T intersection. @pooriggy came up with softer ins and out of the intersection with a sort of wooded island in the middle.



View of the new merge area looking up.


View looking down.
What's up with all the branches thrown into the main trail on grand tour (at least as of Tuesday)? This is a relatively fast moving area into a blind corner. It was a bit eroded but someone filled this section with a bunch of loose branches and then made a go around, without closing the original trail. It's on grand tour going away from Rocky Point. Pretty dangerous and if the intent was to close the main trail and divert to the go around, that was not a great way to go about it. I dont know if this was the TM team or just random riders but it wasnt very well thought out. Area circled in blue below.

good sized crew of heavy hitting TMers came out on Monday. @pooriggy 's plan to do some re-routing in the field area is coming along nicely.
What Don said. This project began in 2022, with the clearing of invasives by a contractor in this open area of Monmouth Hills. The park system ecologists headed this up and last spring it was seeded with native grasses.
This is what the area used to look like. Even in the winter it was a mess with overrun invasives and a badly eroded trail.
Grand Tour Invasives Sta.92 2021.jpg

The plan is to reroute the trail through this area, with a more sustainable line and restore the old blown out trail.
The new line is marked in red.


We began the connection to the upper end of existing trail last week. Rip rap stone which was brought in years ago to try and stabilize the washed out trail was piled along the tree line by a bull dozer last year when grading was done in the field. We used this rock as a base for a low area on the trail, which not only provide a firm trail but eliminates the chance of a mower whacking it or weeds growing over it during the growing season.

After the rock was down we used surrounding mineral soil to coat the top and tie into grades.
The area where volunteers are standing was rocked and graded into the line we had put in earlier that morning. From this view, it illustrates a grade reversal higher up with a banked turn into another grade reversal. I rode it later in the day, it rides as well as it looks.

Looking down from the top, you can see the field where the new trail is going to be installed. I have a mini-excavator coming Monday with a dump truck to cut a new trail and fill the old one.

Come join us Monday morning from 9am-12pm, meeting at the Claypit lot of Hartshorne, 259 Locust Ave, Rumson. Although I have machines to do the heavy lifting, there will be handwork needed for grading. This will be an awesome reroute to take part in, which will bring joy to trail users for years to come. Let me know if you can make it.

Thanks heavy hitting Monday morning Hartshorne crew.
@don @smann , @knobbyhead , @ChrisRNC , @SAM , Larry, Roland, Andy, UK Steve, and Brian.

We picked up where we left of last week, except this week we had a mini-excavator and dump truck moving soil for us. The plan was to strip the topsoil for new trail and use it to fill in old trail.

It worked out well and we were able to cut and fill efficiently. I laid out a sustainable line to shed water, provide a fun trail experience and tie into existing grades.





This is a fun project to be a part of, join in if you can, we work Mondays from 9am-12pm, with the option to come by later if that works better. I'll be here until 3:30 on Mondays. Reach out for details.

Thanks @SAM , @knobbyhead , @ChrisRNC , Andy, Roland, UK Steve, and shout out to employees Austin, Darien and Jared. Woot Woot.
Good to hear @rottin' 👍

A couple of pics from this past Monday. Little bit more done on the field.

We did a mix of machine and hand cut. This is a pic of the hand cut section that Ken and I worked on after the group hauled close to a foot of woodchips the path of the trail.

Pic of the tail end of the machine work @pooriggy after the crew raked cleaned up. The old trail can be seen criss-crossing.
Yeah, what @don said, there was a ton of wood chips left from when a contractor ground up invasive trees to clear this area. The crew cleaned that up and bench cut that section. I continued to remove topsoil and truck it over onto old trail. We were a busy crew Monday.


I stayed later to strip topsoil and blade off new trail. This should take 3 more Mondays to complete. There is not a lot of elevation change working in this area but we made the best use of what was here. I never really rode the old trail because it was blown out and boring, this new trail will be less boring and look nicer.

Thanks Roland, UK Steve, Andy, Ken, @SAM , Austin, @ChrisRNC , @don .
Yeah, what @don said, there was a ton of wood chips left from when a contractor ground up invasive trees to clear this area. The crew cleaned that up and bench cut that section. I continued to remove topsoil and truck it over onto old trail. We were a busy crew Monday.
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I stayed later to strip topsoil and blade off new trail. This should take 3 more Mondays to complete. There is not a lot of elevation change working in this area but we made the best use of what was here. I never really rode the old trail because it was blown out and boring, this new trail will be less boring and look nicer.
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Thanks Roland, UK Steve, Andy, Ken, @SAM , Austin, @ChrisRNC , @don .
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I'll be back next Monday!! This section is looking so good. A few years ago it was a big pile of invasive crap!!
A little update on the work we did yesterday. @pooriggy was in the field continuing with the fresh cut trail with some of the TM crew. @smann , Andrew, UK Steve and I were in the woods up trail working on some of the water control.

Pic of the area just as we started. The guys brought out some nearby rock for armoring and we ended up using about 20x more of this amount. The Grand Tour sign on the tree is good for perspective.

I noticed a lot of big stone sunken in when I previewed this area on Sunday to put some mental notes together for the Monday TM. The crew worked hard and this was the biggest of the stones we broke out. Andrew is not a small dude - it took all 4 of us with rock bar and shovel to pry it out and set in place.

The lads at it. These guys move fult tilt! The hole where the large stone was, was filled with the old quary stone that didn't do shit and was strewn all over the place. Having larger stone hold it in place should keep it in the right spot.

We popped out a half dozen more good sized rocks and continued with the drain wall. With that beautiful stone I felt like some organics on the right side of it would help hold the rocks in place, keep the water from breaching and going back on the trail and also look good. So we transplanted a few trees and ferns and added leaf matter to make a natural bed.

The guys had to leave so I stayed for a little more to massage the final rocks in place. Like the Jims they are such beauts that they wanted to help bang it out but it's more mental/jigsaw work and doing it solo wasn't too bad.

This is what I came up with. Looks like mostly dirt but the amount of rock in there is huge. With rain and use the material shoudl filter down, lock things in place and create a nice texture for hiking and riding. All the while bringing the rain water off trail.

The view looking up the trail.

Broader view looking down trail
- blue arrow - runnel line that stayed on trail creating issues further down. We just followed the line straight for water exit
- yellow circle - where the old runnel line/trail - now some organics
- blue circle - new exit for water - the natural slope came down 2 ft
- white line - new bank and tread - the usable trail is wider now. It seemed it was getting pushed over between the loose quary stone and erosion and users looking for a smoother/drier line. I also banked it so it will be off camber for the water drain but then in slope to hold you for the second part as you get back on the main trail.
- red circle - Grand Tour marker sign

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