MTBNJ's birdbox DH challenge thread

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I hate veggies but as my son eats them I also, have to lead by example

all veggies?

Do you have a spiralizer? making root veggies look like noodles, and throwing some protein over the top makes a great looking meal,
with a hidden healthy twist. zuchs, beats, are a couple favorites - also turnips, and rude-a-beg-ass (they are good as noodles, with some lemon,
they suck otherwise!) - i also found that kids like to participate in the this stage of the meal - kinda like the old play-doh noodle press!
Shave some too - like carrots (be careful with mandolin) - thin slices.

what about fruits? Seeds?

Day 1 - embrace it!

did you get an app to track weight? or an automagic scale?

GL. you've got this. At 6 weeks, the results will be obvious - you will be so glad you stuck with it, at 12 weeks you'll need to do some serious clothes shopping.
@fidodie dropping nuggets!

Breaking veggies down in the way of chopped salad or as Pat mentioned, a spiralizer, is a great way to get in the veggies you don’t like.

Take what makes sense out of this...

Capping the downside of dieting could be the key to adhearse. Your motivation maybe the highest right now at the start. Let’s face if your could live and eat like you will in the next week- you’re in rare air my friend.

Rest assure you will fail at this diet. Meaning it will end. Then what? Be sure to know you will want to quit and life will catch up to you. The practice of negative visualization is very powerful. It is the key in ingredient to putting the old adage, “turn a negative into a positive”, a reality. When times get hard, and they will, you will quickly be mindful of what is going on.

Looking forward to see how this pans out. All the best with it.
So how's it going?
You bombed the first one, but I gave you a one month extension to 10/30, more than gracious IMO
#2 is in like 12 days when's, when's the last time you went out for run?, 8 min miles are no walk in the park
Spring is only 162 days away, based on you current progress, should we shift all your targets to start on March 20th. If that's the case, eat another cannoli or two.

1) I turn 27 on September 30th I'd like be 220 by then.
2) I signed up for the NY state police test with the expectation of being DQ'd(again) for being color blind I give my self 3 months(11/21/18) to be able to pass their test, 40 sit ups in one minute, 33 pushups and 1.5 miles in 11:58.
3) 1st day of spring weight goal is 200 and participate in one race on bike or foot.
So how's it going?
You bombed the first one, but I gave you a one month extension to 10/30, more than gracious IMO
#2 is in like 12 days when's, when's the last time you went out for run?, 8 min miles are no walk in the park
Spring is only 162 days away, based on you current progress, should we shift all your targets to start on March 20th. If that's the case, eat another cannoli or two.

1) I turn 27 on September 30th I'd like be 220 by then.
2) I signed up for the NY state police test with the expectation of being DQ'd(again) for being color blind I give my self 3 months(11/21/18) to be able to pass their test, 40 sit ups in one minute, 33 pushups and 1.5 miles in 11:58.
3) 1st day of spring weight goal is 200 and participate in one race on bike or foot.

I'm doing better this month by a lot wait for numbers!
Never gonna happen! I want to see it happen but I gotta challenge you! Make it happen, numbers talk, bullsh@#$% walks. Come on and do this!
I need to block you
No more words, I'm jest going to heckle and shame you till you hit one target.
Anyone else have pics of Max, send them my way.
My liquid breakfast isn't working, and I'm not about to skip a meal yet. I still subscribe to 3 square meals a day. Having 2 teens at home, I don't think missing breakfast is a good idea. Hate dieting but seems this will need to happen. Max are you calorie counting, portion sizing or just watching what you eat? Calorie counting is tough with Chinese food, I mean the real stuff not chicken and broccoli.
Daily goals?

Perhaps dropping long term targets will get you where you want to be. Should the first 15-30minutes of my daily routine be changed? Could running the new morning routine thru my head the night before help with adhearance?

Most police officers I’m friends with are creatures of habit. This is a practice of lifestyle they find keeps their mind from straying.

Sorry but no one can tell me it’s not a head play going on here. Eating and exercise is ancillary.
My liquid breakfast isn't working, and I'm not about to skip a meal yet. I still subscribe to 3 square meals a day. Having 2 teens at home, I don't think missing breakfast is a good idea. Hate dieting but seems this will need to happen. Max are you calorie counting, portion sizing or just watching what you eat? Calorie counting is tough with Chinese food, I mean the real stuff not chicken and broccoli.

this is my biggest issue idk what things are worth I don't get a chance to weigh things when my wife makes my lunch
Daily goals?

Perhaps dropping long term targets will get you where you want to be. Should the first 15-30minutes of my daily routine be changed? Could running the new morning routine thru my head the night before help with adhearance?

Most police officers I’m friends with are creatures of habit. This is a practice of lifestyle they find keeps their mind from straying.

Sorry but no one can tell me it’s not a head play going on here. Eating and exercise is ancillary.

its all in my head my daily goals are not fucking up
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