You'll be fine.How is this place after it rains? Thinking of tomorrow morning but wouldn’t want to cause damage there on my first ride.
You'll be fine.How is this place after it rains? Thinking of tomorrow morning but wouldn’t want to cause damage there on my first ride.
Most of the trails handle the rain well.How is this place after it rains? Thinking of tomorrow morning but wouldn’t want to cause damage there on my first ride.
You'll be fine. This rain will help the trails ride better.Any reconnaissance today? I went out yesterday from about 4 - 6pm and it was almost perfect (although I was wet), but not a single puddle or rutted/muddy spot except a few small ones near top of the hill where there is less tree cover. When I left, my bike was messy, but only from organics on the trail and a small amount of sand. It appears we will be rain free this afternoon and I would like to head back this afternoon if it’s similar or dryer. Thoughts?
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