

My best friend –the woman who introduced me to cycling 15 years ago!– is about to start chemo for breast cancer. Docs recommend exercise, but I don't know if she'll be strong enough to hop on a bike (in hilly Upstate NY) in the coming months. I'm thus looking for a tandem to borrow / rent / buy so we can both enjoy the Fall foliage. She's 5'7", I'm 5'8". Any tips or leads appreciated!
While I don't have any tandem tips, I just wanted to say that this is one of the coolest ideas I've heard in a long time. My best wishes go out to your friend, her family, and you. Stay strong for her!
Road / hybrid tandem

Thanks for the positive input and good vibes!!
I should have added that I had a road/hybrid tandem in mind. A mtb tandem would do (I'd put smaller tires on it), but I'm not looking for the Ellsworth Witness type thing with 6" of travel and a boom tube as big as my thigh! :)
re: tandem wanted

Hi Carole,
I have a Raleigh tandem SC. It's in great condition. I used it with my son for a few years. It is a mountain style tandem with semi slick tires. It has upgraded parts from the original. It is about a medium, but very adjustable. If you want I can send you pictures. I was able to put it inside my grand caravan, or on a hitch rack with the wheels off. It retailed for around $800. Willing to sell it for $400 so I can buy a mountain bike for my son.
If your interested, you can email me at Chuprinko@yahoo.com
I'm in Morris County.
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