The Good Deals Thread

And also the pedals need to be level with the chainstay.

It almost looks like you sprayed mud only on the wheels.

The real question is where are you going to put the bike while it’s that dirty because the garage is waaaay too clean for that messy bike 🤣🤪
Also, the bike has to be pictured in front of the closed garage doors.
What pressures are you running? Asking for a friend who bought one also.

205 pounds. Running 40/45 with tubes. Anything over 50psi and they really seemed to get slow on the road and bouncy on gravel. Will be coverting to tubeless and dropping those pressures down a bit. I also tweaked the FD a bit as the trim tab wasn't really doing anything. Now I'm pretty happy with the 2X and it's not rubbing in any gear. Out of the box it was decent but not perfect. And holy crap the brakes needed to be bedded in. More than any other bike I've been on. Cheapish rotors, I think.

These pants are not insulated at all. Same weight as a pair of baggie shorts. The size is true to your pants size.

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