Trexler Preserve

How well does Trexler drain? I've never been there before, and it looks like they're getting a good amount of rain now
Drains really well. There's a lot of shale rocks.. (not sure if that is actually the type of rock 🤣) but never the less, it drains better than most.
I've been to Trexler a few times this year now and I've seen it mentioned in a few threads but didn't see a specific thread for it. So here's a little info for those who may want to check it out.

First, one thing I've heard a bunch of times is that Trexler is fun but short. I get why people say that, but the truth is it's actually bigger (and more challenging) than a lot of people realize. If you're absolutely opposed to repeating any section of the trail, then it's necessarily short. But if you're willing to do a mile or so of repeated trail, you can easily get 20 miles. The trick is to hit the whole boundary trail, and then loop back to hit the pump track sections and the awesome flow trail descent (one of the most fun trails I know in the entire region.) The section a lot of people miss is circled below.

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Also, the ride shown here starts from then Orchard Rd. Parking area. There is a parking area that starts within the park closer to the pump track, but the Orchard Rd. lot puts you right on the boundary trail that allows you to choose how long (and hard!) your ride is.

Second, there is a TON of climbing if you do the boundary trail. If you stay just in the middle of the park where the pumptrack is, there isn't too much - you just have to go from the bottom of the pump track to the top to redo it. But the boundary trail has something like 200-250 feet of elevation gain per mile. There's plenty of descending as well, but the climbs are tough. In fact, if you go clockwise on the boundary trail, there is a climb near where it links up to the center of the park that's almost impossible to clean - super loose and steep at the bottom and then steady and long for another quarter mile or so past that. And it's all exposed, so it can cook you in the summer.

Finally, the Valley MTBers put a lot of work into these trails - in fact, every time I've been there other than on New Year's Day, they been out working on something. So the trails feel very flowy in the sections they work on. They're not allowed to change the boundary trails as I understand it (which is a shame because that one brutal climb could really benefit from some contouring.) Between the flowy stuff they work on and the boundary trail, the whole place has a nice mix of chunky and flowy - again, with a shit ton of climbing thrown in.

I'm attaching the GPX file from the ride pictured above. There is some repeating of sections here, but it's worth it to justify the drive out and get a chance to see everything the park has to offer.

Ironically i came on here looking for some feedback on this place as Im planning on a Sunday morning ride here.

Martin- any chance you can drop the route again? Its dead on my end.
Ironically i came on here looking for some feedback on this place as Im planning on a Sunday morning ride here.

Martin- any chance you can drop the route again? Its dead on my end.

This is probably the easiest trail system to get your bearings at.

Park on Game Preserve Rd. Take the Border Trail to the Teardrop trail, loop Halfpipe a few times and then do Return of Brian's and Broken Arrow and finish on Fireman's Trail. I personally wouldn't bother with Border Trail.
This is probably the easiest trail system to get your bearings at.

Park on Game Preserve Rd. Take the Border Trail to the Teardrop trail, loop Halfpipe a few times and then do Return of Brian's and Broken Arrow and finish on Fireman's Trail. I personally wouldn't bother with Border Trail.
Second this, best parts of Trexler are really the trails concentrated on the plateau. Broken Arrow is a blast, just be ready for a good climb back up to the rest of the trails (and don't take Fireman's the short way, unless you enjoy pushing your bike up a 28% grade. I've done it twice and regretted it both times lol).
Ironically i came on here looking for some feedback on this place as Im planning on a Sunday morning ride here.

Martin- any chance you can drop the route again? Its dead on my end.
Ask and ye shall receive ...

I'm not sure if this is the same ride, but here is a ride that includes all the stuff at Trexler - although, as I understand, since I've been there last, there is some new stuff, so definitely feel free to deviate from this once you're in the main area (i.e., since locals call the full Trexler ride "the axe" for obvious reasons, it would be the the "axe head" of this ride.)

Trexler Ride
Second this, best parts of Trexler are really the trails concentrated on the plateau. Broken Arrow is a blast, just be ready for a good climb back up to the rest of the trails (and don't take Fireman's the short way, unless you enjoy pushing your bike up a 28% grade. I've done it twice and regretted it both times lol).

This place is lots of fun! It seems like most hang out up top, do some runs and climb back up. Just an observation that i noticed. Almost no one on the border trail.

My buddy and i ended up doing the border trail today. It was so much fun. I was able to ride everything except the hill after Jordan Creek on the way to Teardrop. Steeepp. 😳

This place is lots of fun! It seems like most hang out up top, do some runs and climb back up. Just an observation that i noticed. Almost no one on the border trail.

My buddy and i ended up doing the border trail today. It was so much fun. I was able to ride everything except the hill after Jordan Creek on the way to Teardrop. Steeepp. 😳

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Sweet! Yeah and that's not a diss on the border trail from me, I've never done it so I can't say much about it. Also noticed that most people ride the middle trails mostly.
Bumping this back up to keep it in this thread.

So I read from years ago it drains well, and that Facebook has a go/nogo status. Is there anywhere else to find out the go/nogo status other than Facebook? I may just have to pop on the Mrs phone to look.
Can't tell from the FB page but it looks like people have been riding.

And it looks like they're going to be building a new trail soon.
Can't tell from the FB page but it looks like people have been riding.

And it looks like they're going to be building a new trail soon.
Thanks @Norm I’m hoping to maybe go out Sunday after the rain and a few days of dry up.
There is a new trail and it's a big one downhill tabletops crazy jumps but also easier lines for people like me who like their wheels on the ground
The climb to the skills area, especially from Half Pipe 1(?) does not drain well in my experience.

The new trail/jump line (Jack of Diamonds) is really good, and it's really tempting to push yourself. Be confident of what you can pull off.

The first set of rocks on Broken Arrow are notoriously slick, with a fair amount of exposure to your right.
Mill Creek Rd, Schnecksville, PA 18078

I learned the hard way to park here. We first started by the zoo and like in the first post in this thread says, there is a brutal climb. I can only think of a few people that I think that would not hike a bike on it. If you’re there for the downhill trails 1/10 would not recommend parking by the zoo.


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