
Is that little guy abandoned? Don't get to close to the P.I. On my dawn patrol ride Tues morning, came across a small raccoon laying on the trail. Stopped to check and was very slow labored breathing. Just then heard the hoot of an owl close by in the tree above my head. Moved on to let nature do it's thing.

Reason I asked about abandoned, a fellow mtber from the Elkton, MD area and Fairhill rider found 3 on his property and is raising them with plans to release back into the wild. They look like they're doing well.
Is that little guy abandoned? Don't get to close to the P.I. On my dawn patrol ride Tues morning, came across a small raccoon laying on the trail. Stopped to check and was very slow labored breathing. Just then heard the hoot of an owl close by in the tree above my head. Moved on to let nature do it's thing.

Reason I asked about abandoned, a fellow mtber from the Elkton, MD area and Fairhill rider found 3 on his property and is raising them with plans to release back into the wild. They look like they're doing well.
I encountered the little guy in the road during my ride last night. I coaxed it onto the grass and off the road. He seemed very timid. No mother raccoon to be seen anywhere. Being so hot, I thought he might need some water, so I brought my water bottle down to him and intended to squeeze some water in his direction, but then he snarled at me. I don't bring protective gloves on my rides, so I backed off immediately. I stayed a few more minutes looking around for any movement or noises. It was next to golf course. There was nothing else I could think to do, so I moved on. Someone today suggested I call animal control, but at 7pm I doubt anyone would come out to help anyway.
How come if you go to the delaware recreation area you can find thousands of tadpoles but you can look all around anywhere else in NJ and not see any.
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