Jim & Val
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  • So far i've fallen aout 3-4 times, twice very stupily on hard surfaces the rest where i should fall. Thinking of buying lots of bubble wrap. I have'nt broken anything (yet) & haven't given up, just need lots of practice 🙂 Amy
    Val -
    I bought my 1st pair of shoes today along w/ pedals (Tahoe & 520's). Hopefully I don't fall to much when I ride Saturday 🙂 Amy
    ps- tahoe works for me in the width, thanks 🙂
    Hello Jim and Val,I don"t know if this will help you Jim,I read that someone on mtbr solved the brake noise by switching to a shimano brake adapter and wrapping it"s bridge with dynamat {sound deadining material for cars}The thread was in the brake section I think.Have a great day see you on tuesday
    Hey guys...Happy Thanksgiving
    I am taking a guy I met up at Blue mnt around allaire tomorrow.
    Will me hitting lot at 9? Let me know if you want to join in
    did not know that I was a special person btw.
    mike_243us@yahoo.com is my emaill...
    sprout is out in the release cage on the deck.
    we let then out during the day they stay in at night for 3 or so days then it is off to the wild,
    lumpy is at a really cool rehabilitators place in north jersey she is part of the family...
    I'm glad I could help and contribute a little last night, you guys do so much in helping the rides go smoothly, making everyone comfortable, and making sure everyone has a good time. I was so happy to be able to give you a break. I was honored that I was trusted to sweep and clean up the carnage. I had a great time last night as I always do when I ride with the two of you. See you guys Saturday morning.
    Val it was really great talking to you yesterday. Jim it was nice meeting you as well. Hope to see you both tomorrow night! : ) Katie
    Thanks Val! Yea I'm picky too, I'm going to order a pair of women's Fox without gel..I think they will be better for me. We are going to Kingdom Trails VT next weekend, I hear its awesome 🙂 See you this weekend!
    Thanks again for helping me out. You two were great at Allaire and I really enjoyed meeting you both! Kathy
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