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  • It's all your fault Mike you mentioned the other day that you broke your handlebars so when we went to White Clay yesterday I broke my seat post. I blame you because you started it.
    Hi Mike, It was nice talking with you Saturday at Allaire. I was the guy from Pa . I appreciate the advise . Steve
    Mike - a special shout out to your friend WILL. I rode Allaire (first time) last Saturday. I was lost and ended up somewhere around "tiger woods". I ran into Will 2x and he kindly and graciously offered to lead me back to the Hospital Road Lot. You guys in South Jersey Rock!!! Thanks so much....
    Mike are you going to be at allaire tomorrow morning by any chance? I'm at the beach this week and I am looking for someone to chase around for a while...let me know
    Thanks for sticking by me today. I think I thought I could just pick something up again and do it like I did it 10 years ago. I will take it slow and get better as time goes on. When I get my biking lungs I'd like to ride with ya sometime. 🙂

    You are the all around nice guy! Somebody we can all count on! Take your gift of "Special person of the month" and wear it proudly! 🙂

    We love you dude!

    Val & Jim

    "Congrats" for being our July Volunteer Highlight!

    P.S. E-mail is JimandVal2@Comcast.net

    Val & Jim
    Just found out about this friends thing the other day... Will you be our friend? He he Val
    on my way out the door my browser remembers my password so as soon as I bring up chrome it logs me back on to the board.
    brining the bike to work. maybe you should do the same im gonna be staying in jackson i get out at 5pm possibly a bit earlier and im gonna shoot down the Pway to allaire prob be in the lot around 5.30ish5.45 gonna do as much of the park as i can with minimal stops thats right up your alley ill check my BB later in the day at work so i guess send me a PM if you're in
    Hi there! Looks like you've been doing lots of road riding. Very cool. I can't wait for the Tuesday night rides to start up again. Maybe we can bribe Frank to start them in two weeks! : )
    if i get out at all it will be on the trek to the store.
    the roady is back on the trainer did get out for a seaside trip yesterday.
    mostly I been riding the roads till the shitty weather breaks I am going to the training course for
    hartshorne so I can do the TM up there.
    Doing kitatinny sunday. Pending weather. Call me saturday if ur in. We will meet at my house then go up. Prob meet at 8or so. I live right off the parkway its easy.
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