James Pearl Thinks Blogging is Dead

We're currently binge watching all seasons of Weeds on Hulu. Pretty sure you've already watched The Wire. There was a shorter series about B'more police by the same group, We Own This City.

We Own This City has popped in & out of conversation a few times. I will add this to the HBO list. I did watch The Wire, which I liked. I'll check it out once I renew HBO. That will likely be soon.
Have you ever watched The Godfather Trilogy? All 3 movies edited together in the proper chronological order with some deleted scenes now included. Around 9hrs altogether.
The September Blog Project - #12

The Morning Planter Project

I woke up late today so by the time I got out of bed and had coffee, I only had 45 minutes to screw around outside. I spent most of that trying to figure out how to line up the grass-side of the planter. I can't really make it level with the street side as it would be way too low compared to the grass. I think I just want to make the 4x4s level with each other, and it will rise slightly from the street to the yard.

Below is another step towards where I want to be. Starting to get closer. The spacers are just temporary to keep the 4x4s in place.


A/B/C Line Work

I had a few minutes before I had to start work, so I started disassembling the A/B line and taking the whale tail contraption and moving it to the C line. I'm employing the ancient Egyptian method of putting logs under it and rolling it forward. The side facing you will be disassembled and returned to the rounded version that the whale approach is supposed to have. Literally right behind it is the jump I built for this originally. I'm not going to append it to the end because it's going into a spot that won't really work well for it.

I could return it to a single piece but that would render the C-line inoperable for a bit, which I don't want to do. I may change my mind shortly but I'm not looking to make this a major project, so I probably won't. But maybe I will...


Round Valley

Then I spent like 4+ hours on the trip to RV and back. More detail can be found about that here.

This was my exercise for the day. 1 hour of riding and 1.5 hours of trimming. I'm pretty exhausted now.

As for the eBike...anyone who says it's not that much of an advantage is mental. Sure you still work. But I averaged 9 mph at RV with a 20+ pound pack on my back. If I had clipless pedals and my hip pack, pretty sure I would be closer to 11-12 mph.

I could totally see renting one of these on an epic trip out west when time is limited.

The September Blog Project - #13

I woke up today sore as hell from yesterday's effort. Between the rain and the need to drop the Subaru off at the garage (again), I didn't have time to burn in the yard anyway. I took Bear with me, and walked him around the neighborhood until D picked me up after dropping Simon off at school. It worked out fine, since my back was sore and the extent of my energy this morning was more or less contained to making, then drinking, my coffee. Anything more than that felt like a lot of effort.

Today was a workshop day at work. 2 hour session in the afternoon where I have to tease out the current process, data, edge cases, and so on, then apply it to the tool we implement. In general I (sometimes) like this part of the job. But I would be lying if I didn't say it takes a lot out of you. It's a pretty intense few hours. Back in the day, we used to go on-site and hash this stuff out. Now, it's all via Zoom or Teams.

On & off through the day I turned the whale part of the whale tail back into a whale. Progression below. The keen observer will witness the Egyptian logs underneath. You can see the tail in between. It's yearning to be back together again. Unlike Humpty Dumpty, I think we can make that happen.




After dinner I turned a tree that fell into the yard yesterday from a mess into a pile of kindling plus a stack of logs to possibly ride over. I will obviously need to find a better place for that. Before & after:



Then I lifted weights because I didn't really feel like riding the trainer. Still pretty tired and it would be the epitome of junk miles. I have to be honest, I didn't know what day it was at the end of this post. I guess I'm pleasantly surprised that Wednesday is in the books already.
The September Blog Project - #14

Planter Part 1, Phase 1

I finished the non-yellow jacket side of the planter redux. The before of this was basically weeds, with no discernible wood on the high side. The other side is in better shape which is why I had started with that, until...well, you know. I'll get back to that soon enough and update the yellow jacket situation. For now, we have phase 1 of the left planter done. It's not perfect but I wasn't going for perfect. I just want it to be better than it was and that box is checked.

Phase 2 will be the planting of the mums. I'm also going to see if I can find some spring bulbs to bury while I'm here and be pleasantly surprised at what pops up next year.


The Whale Merge

My day was going to suck, so I decided to skip my team 9:00 and stay outside. As I suppose we all knew, I decided to try and reunite the whale to its tail. I spent a bunch of time breaking apart the landing of the existing jump so I can move the whale into place. Then I spent some time digging out the base and grooming it to be as flat as possible. I didn't quite have the time to connect these pieces and I had to call it before I could make the official reunion.

I'll need to adjust the ramp leading into this, as this is not going to work with what I have there now. I also now have a non-functional C-line for the time being which is a bummer. But I'm confident I can get this back together soon.

I also did a little clearing in the wall ride area but it's still a mess. I think I can actually accomplish that this yeah but it may cost me a fortune in 2x4s.


Workshop #2

For the second day in a row I'll talk briefly about work and how frustrated I am with a specific person I work with. I had 3 different calls today, each of which she is the engagement manager for:

* 1-2: 1 hour call with a client that just signed a new SOW
* 2-4: 2 hour workshop with a net-new client
* 4-4:30: Support call with a client that went live this week

Our engagement manager took all 3 of these calls from the bar. She then asked me how each of these calls went. She is a total and complete useless pile of a humanity. I shouldn't care. But I really dislike that she gets paid a professional salary to act like Homer Simpson all day. You should all work where I do, so you can fuck off and get drunk all day. I should also mention it is highly likely the company paid for her Homering the bar food & drink.

High School College Stuff

The high school had a college workshop-like thing tonight which we went to. I didn't find it especially exciting but it does sort of put the pressure on - things are coming really fast. Many of these colleges have deadlines in the fall (for the early applications) and the kids need to get on their collective games. It also means that life is going to take a strange & interesting step forward in a year from now.

I didn't exercise other than the 2 hours I spent outside this morning. I just didn't feel like it.
The September Blog Project - #15

Today is the end of the first half of the month, 15 of 30 down. I'm not looking forward to 30. Just stating a fact. it is also Friday - another fact. I am sure there are other facts I could state but noting useful comes to mind.

Oh, it's Joy's birthday. Happy birthday.

Chimney Rock, part 1

Started the day helping out Kirt again, post here. We're doing some really great work over there and I think you should take the time to go check it out. I think Kirt has next week's project lined up already and he has a bigger one up his sleeve to pull off before the end of the year. Should be solid.

I'm enjoying this version of September Fridays. Once October rolls around, I won't be able to pull many of these off but I'm doing what I can, when I can. Again, we're always open for help so if you want to jump in, message me.



Chimney Rock, part 2

After I went home and ate lunch, I went back out to ride it. Ended up doing 1:40 out there which sounds like a lot given we were out there for 3+ hours this morning. But I'm built for this weather. Temps were amazing and I enjoy it to the max. Did ballfield trails, a bunch of stuff on yellow, black, up & over orange, across the bottom of red, then out to do the blue bumps and then return via blue middle, before cruising through white and finally riding the stuff we built.

The stuff we built was really solid. This may be the best v1 I've seen in a while. Really happy with the result.


Chimney Rock, part 3

Just kidding. There was no part 3. I am too tired to have done that.
Have you ever watched The Godfather Trilogy? All 3 movies edited together in the proper chronological order with some deleted scenes now included. Around 9hrs altogether.

I actually just watched the first 1 last month. To me it's a tad dated.
I actually just watched the first 1 last month. To me it's a tad dated.

Speaking of dated movies, since it’s spooky season it’s horror movie weekends at the House of Clarkenstein. Last weekend the kids and I watched Nightmare on Elm Street. The kids loved it, but didn’t think it was scary, and a lot of that is due to how dated it felt. I haven’t watched it since I was a kid and the time difference of then vs now really impacts the way it comes off. It’s still a classic though.

Now last night we watched the Conjuring, and that got them nice and freaked out.
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The September Blog Project - #16

I put 6 things on my list this morning, 6 things I wanted to get done by the end of the day. As I sit here this evening, I did all 6 plus I was able to add a bonus one. A subset of those things below.

Dog Walk

We started the day with no real plan, which meant I made a coffee then made another coffee. Eventually we went to the park to walk Bear. We know he needs his walk or he's even more psycho than normal through the day. And since we had no driver to do anything else, we got it out of the way before the day got too old.

Below is what he does when he gets hot. He lays in the grass and crawls forward for a bit to seemingly cool off. It was a beautiful morning and a beautiful day. I don't remember but I probably made another coffee when we got home. Assume as much.


Planters & Yellow Jackets

I finally completed 1 of the house projects that has taken me forever due to the shitty yellow jackets. As an update, I have not totally won. But they are really disconcerted in their home life now. In finishing everything up today, I found 2 more areas where they're trying to next; one on each side. The far side was just 1 pesky guy who actually chased me around. Close to where I'm standing here I found maybe 6 of them burrowing into the ground under a 4x4, which is yet another new side for them to be making a home. That's their 5th location in this war.

At the end of the day, I was able to get the mums in and clean everything up. It is not the most amazing thing ever, but D says it looks nice. I will now move on to something else.


A Gorgeous Day for a Road Bike Ride

With these temperatures I am really hot on trying to ride the MTB as much as I can these days, which of course translated into a road ride today. Elmo Shrug. I hit up CR yesterday and by the time we got around to it, the day was well on the way to mid-afternoon. D mentioned something about Nassau but neither of us were really feeling that. So we hopped on the road for an hour.

It was a fabulous day out, still.


Reuniting the Whale

I finished another project today and put the whale back together. I'm pretty happy with the way this worked out even if the body of the whale is a little wobbly still. I think it'll settle in just find as I pack more dirt in the base. I trenched out a groove to allow it to match up with the existing piece. It's not perfectly even but they are now attached, and I will adjust it in time if it's needed.

I wasn't sure I was going to put the time into doing this, but now that it's done I'm sure this is the right direction.


Bonus B-Line Work

Doing this totally broke the B-line, and you can see the (currently dead) A-line behind this. So right now I have no lines at all. I decided to spend some time assembling the launch into the whale, and you can see those results below.

This may be too aggressive.

If you could get enough speed it would be ok, but there's just not enough room coming into this to hit that launch and connect. I have a structure from a previous wooden build that I may be able to use to connect these 2 pieces. But I'll need to clear out the gap and fit it in there to see how much I need to adjust this. I knew it was going to be a bit of work to make this connect properly. But I'm confident that when I'm done this will roll really well.

The September Blog Project - #16

I put 6 things on my list this morning, 6 things I wanted to get done by the end of the day. As I sit here this evening, I did all 6 plus I was able to add a bonus one. A subset of those things below.

Dog Walk

We started the day with no real plan, which meant I made a coffee then made another coffee. Eventually we went to the park to walk Bear. We know he needs his walk or he's even more psycho than normal through the day. And since we had no driver to do anything else, we got it out of the way before the day got too old.

Below is what he does when he gets hot. He lays in the grass and crawls forward for a bit to seemingly cool off. It was a beautiful morning and a beautiful day. I don't remember but I probably made another coffee when we got home. Assume as much.

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Planters & Yellow Jackets

I finally completed 1 of the house projects that has taken me forever due to the shitty yellow jackets. As an update, I have not totally won. But they are really disconcerted in their home life now. In finishing everything up today, I found 2 more areas where they're trying to next; one on each side. The far side was just 1 pesky guy who actually chased me around. Close to where I'm standing here I found maybe 6 of them burrowing into the ground under a 4x4, which is yet another new side for them to be making a home. That's their 5th location in this war.

At the end of the day, I was able to get the mums in and clean everything up. It is not the most amazing thing ever, but D says it looks nice. I will now move on to something else.

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A Gorgeous Day for a Road Bike Ride

With these temperatures I am really hot on trying to ride the MTB as much as I can these days, which of course translated into a road ride today. Elmo Shrug. I hit up CR yesterday and by the time we got around to it, the day was well on the way to mid-afternoon. D mentioned something about Nassau but neither of us were really feeling that. So we hopped on the road for an hour.

It was a fabulous day out, still.

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Reuniting the Whale

I finished another project today and put the whale back together. I'm pretty happy with the way this worked out even if the body of the whale is a little wobbly still. I think it'll settle in just find as I pack more dirt in the base. I trenched out a groove to allow it to match up with the existing piece. It's not perfectly even but they are now attached, and I will adjust it in time if it's needed.

I wasn't sure I was going to put the time into doing this, but now that it's done I'm sure this is the right direction.

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Bonus B-Line Work

Doing this totally broke the B-line, and you can see the (currently dead) A-line behind this. So right now I have no lines at all. I decided to spend some time assembling the launch into the whale, and you can see those results below.

This may be too aggressive.

If you could get enough speed it would be ok, but there's just not enough room coming into this to hit that launch and connect. I have a structure from a previous wooden build that I may be able to use to connect these 2 pieces. But I'll need to clear out the gap and fit it in there to see how much I need to adjust this. I knew it was going to be a bit of work to make this connect properly. But I'm confident that when I'm done this will roll really well.

View attachment 223135
The real question is when is opening day (not that I could ride that without ending up in the hospital. )
The September Blog Project - #17

Another day of making a list and checking everything off it. I guess that's an efficient weekend. I feel like I ate too much the past few days though.


We planned to join Mad Dan at Stephens but things just didn't end up lining up and we dragged around the house until we finally got up and made our way to Nassau. Regardless of your opinion on the situation there, it's still a fun little network and it was a beautiful day out again. So it was sort of a foregone conclusion that the ride would be nice. And it was.

The place is overgrown, and you can tell it's not getting as many wheels on the trails as it used to. Lots of debris that would otherwise have been ground up or tossed off the trail by a lot of tires is starting to accumulate everywhere. While it's sad, I understand it.

We ended up on a trail that's supposed to be off limits. There's no sign at the trail head, but there were some on the trail itself. We didn't cross over to the other side because that's the 1 trail I know is off limits. I find it interesting that the trail we did ride had lots of work done on it recently. No other trails in the park seem to have gotten any attention. I find that somewhat entertaining.

I don't know what the future holds here. But it was a nice day anyway. And I hit the road gap for the first time in a while.


The Launch & The Mills Pile

Spent some time after lunch digging out the pile of fill that was previously the middle of the jump. I thought I would be able to knock this out in an hour but it turns out these piles are a considerable amount of work. This may take some time to disassemble some of the pieces I want to reshape. I guess I'm halfway there. I took this material and started building up the run from the end of the berm to the eventual wall ride.


Once this is clear I'll work on finding the proper spacing. I also started a pile of flat rocks for Kirt that we can use in some future CR projects. We have lots of these littered in our piles around the yard:


Second Half of the Day

The rest of the day was spent hanging out with my parents who came down to spend the afternoon with us and have dinner. We ate, then watched the Cowboys-Jets game for a while. I haven't watched a football game since 2022 when I watched the Super Bowl in Vermont with Utah. I enjoy it but I don't go out of my way to watch.

And this wraps up the weekend. I'm not looking forward to Monday. But it pays the bills, so away we go.
The September Blog Project - #18

It's like...Monday. They say that without the highs, you can never truly enjoy the lows. Wait. Scratch that, reverse it. Let's try this again...they say a lot of shit. Without Monday, would you really be able to enjoy the Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays? Do people in retirement enjoy every day like it's a Saturday or does every day become merely..."day?"

I feel like there are some things ground into you from childhood. Like Summer runs from the day school ends to Labor Day weekend. Then summer is over. Thursday night is the start of the weekend, as per the college years. And nothing good ever comes of Monday, other than it being over. I guess, at this writing, Monday is mostly over.

I suppose people who work the weekend have a totally different perspective on all this.

Due to the rain this morning, I did nothing outside to start the day. My primary project has ended, so now I'm sort of free form with the yard work. I just sat in my chair and drank coffee, then did some stuff in the house before I got to work. It was hardly a noteworthy start of the day. The coffee is always good.

Late afternoon I took Bear to CR and did some work on the Blue Bumps, aka The Western Blue Project. I call this one B2 (berm 2). While it's not a berm in a grand sense, it needs to remain low-key in order to not attract too much attention. Plus, dirt is always at a premium out here so I take what I can get.

Then I went home and did an hour on the Zwifter as the sun set.

As a weekend worker, I can confirm that Saturday and Sunday mornings still feel the same as when I was a kid; cartoons should be on on Saturday mornings and I should be trying to get out of going to church on Sundays. Having off on Mondays are nice because nothing is ever crowded.
The September Blog Project - #19

I started work early today because I wanted to bow out and head to RV this afternoon with my bevy of electric equipment. By 3:00 I was on the road and heading there, but before that, I treated myself with a stop along the way.


I don't think they're the best roaster in the world but they're pretty solid and they make a good espresso, of which I enjoyed one. Then I made my way to the Cushetunk lot and started in on today's dual bike ride/field work session. I do enjoy that I can combine a bike ride and trail work. Usually they're separate. A bevy of pictures can be found here. Spoiler alert: there's a lot of sawdust.

I then rode all the way to the switchbacks and really took in the poor shape that they're in. I'm concerned that people aren't riding the park even a fraction of what they have in years past. Once this mass trimming effort wraps up, I think we'll need to spend some real time fixing those. They were built without many (any) grade reversals and it's starting to really show, especially on the lower half.


Then I got home and D made an awesome dinner which we ate while we watched the latest Only Murders in the Building. They have done a good job with this season so far.

The September Blog Project - #20

Today was not a banner day in any regard. While it wasn't a bad day, I wouldn't say it was an especially good day either. I guess this falls into the category of "day" that I referred to previously. Sort of the porridge between the good bites of your breakfast. Or something like that. Wednesday.

I started my morning working outside, partly on the first ramp cleanup and partly on general yard cleanup. I didn't accomplish anything substantial other than a few more steps in a journey of 1000 miles. Then I went inside to work. And to have more coffee. There's always the coffee which is good, even if today is merely, "Day."

I called the ASR for RV and she ghosted me. You can't say I'm not trying. I don't think they really want to be bothered with this stuff so I'm just going to keep doing what I do. At some point, I'll just go start fixing those switchbacks and it'll be what it'll be.

Before dark I went and finished cleaning up the space between the ramp and the whale. The picture below was done hastily with low light, but I'm gonna leave it because it's Wednesday. I wasn't tripping when I did this even though it looks like a fair representation of it.

Then I did a Zwift ride while watching Spy Ops & Narcos.

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