Raritan 911: Robocop

And in all that time, has he ever turned it off to hide where he was? AND if he did, how much shit did he get for that?

Unfortunately, most kids (and let's face it, adults) cannot go 15 minutues without checking the phone, let alone hours.
Nah. He even tells us everything stupid he does. Like when him and his friends decided to hot box in a friends car and didn't realize there was a cop sitting in the same parking lot watching them. He told us that was his White Privilege lesson. Cops told them to get the F out of that neighborhood.
Nah. He even tells us everything stupid he does. Like when him and his friends decided to hot box in a friends car and didn't realize there was a cop sitting in the same parking lot watching them. He told us that was his White Privilege lesson. Cops told them to get the F out of that neighborhood.

The funny thing is that as kids we thought we got away with so much stuff. Now I’m older I realize we didn’t.
It's not so much a matter of where they're supposed to be/not be, it's what happens going from point A to B. And at some age, "out" becomes a place to be so you lose a little more grip there too. I suppose you hope that a bit of maturity has come along before that point in time. But, I've got a lot of mentoring to do before we get there.
It's built in with the iPhone. I generally don't look much but yes, I can tell you where all 3 kids are right now. I'm not going to look because I assume they're in school. And frankly, if I look and they're not, I really don't want to know.

The funny thing is that as kids we thought we got away with so much stuff. Now I’m older I realize we didn’t.

It feels like those 2 comments kind of go hand in hand. Even at 5 I turn my head at a lot of things because I realize there's some life learning happening along the way. It's certainly a fine line to walk, but I think it lends itself to better judgement down the road. As a teenager living with a single dad I had a lot of rope to hang myself with. I think I learned a bit from that "opportunity". I hope to have a more structured way to instill life lessons into my kids so they can recognize situations they should get themselves out of. Or, WTF....maybe I'm completely off base. I'll check back in 10 years.

Also, after you have spent a considerable portion of your life driving them around like a taxi, you will longingly await the day when they can drive themselves to practice/school/anywhere else.
gold, Jerry Gold!

no statement has ever been more true. I remember when my wife and I told our son to pick up our daughter at practice. So wonderful. That being said, teenagers are horrible drivers.
I got away with a lot. Got caught just as much. There's probably still a few bottles in my parent's liquor cabinet that are 50% water.

Yeah but now the tables are turned. Parents think they know where their kids are at all times due to technology, but there is always an out. Parents are not going to outsmart their kids when it comes to tech. If I was a teen today and had parents tracking my phone, I'd be paying a visit to Jimmy:


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@Carson, I'm in need of a pro perspsective here...

at lunch time, grabbed my lunch and headed for Lauren Hill Park in Secaucus.

While approaching the right turn in front of the Hudson School of Technology, I noticed a Police car slightly diagonal across the opposite line in front of the school. A couple of cars were behind it, I was already slowing down from maybe doing 20-25mph to approach the turn and thought 'what is he doing there?' as there was no bus, no kids, nobody other than the cars behind the Police car...as soon as I'm next to him on the opposite lane he flashes his lights and I stop on the dime as further proof I wasn't speeding, no rubber was laid in vain nor my lunch flew from the front seat...He lowers his window, I lower mine and he yells at me 'What is wrong with you?', which got me a little by surprise so I replied 'I'm sorry, what?"...again, 'what's wrong with you, speeding here, there's a school, there's kids, do you want to kill someone?!?!' so I said' sorry, 'I did not realized I was speeding, sorry about that. How much was I doing?'...'is that your truck?'...I said 'what do you mean?' ...'is that your truck?' ...'I said, yes it is.'...'are you driving your own truck?' ...'yes I am'...'I'm writing you a ticket, I'm taking your plate and writing you a ticket'....to which I closed my window and proceeded to enter the park about 30 yards past him at the mandated 15mph.

He did not follow me, did not flash again, nothing, I actually thought he may follow me in the park to write the ticket but he did not...besides not realizing what the issue was here, as I said I was not speeding approaching the turn and in general as he was quite obvious where he was and I wasn't exactly in the mood to get a ticket, if I ever was anyway (I may have been going faster a couple hundred yards earlier, not sure if he had a speed gun or something to actually measure my speed at a distance, but he never mentioned if he clocked me or anything)...what am I facing in case the guy were to be willing to go after me? I ate my lunch in the park (if I were to try and escape I really would have picked the wrong place, one one way in and out and he's parked there) and initially did not give half a thought about, but I'm now considering several dramatic scenarios...I'm not even sure if he was Town or County Police...

Also, how much time does a ticket to appear on the NJ Municipal Ticket Search page?
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There's a lot to unpack here. Too many unknowns.

In short, if he writes you a speeding ticket in the next 30 days, you can contest it in court.

My gut tells me he will not. It was not a professional interaction, how does he explain his actions in court, and he never took the time to confirm your identity. Nor does he have body camera footage of the contact, which, for the most part, is required now (this is a department violation, not a criminal offense).

I'm guessing he was either really young and still full of piss and vinegar or really old and crotchety about his life. Probably divorced twice by now.

There's always two sides to a story but this seems pretty bad regardless. Maybe he was a Class II or Class III officer working a road job, security detail, or something. Hudson County agencies have a bunch of guys doing part time work. Or Sheriff's officers with little to no road experience.
There's a lot to unpack here. Too many unknowns.

In short, if he writes you a speeding ticket in the next 30 days, you can contest it in court.

My gut tells me he will not. It was not a professional interaction, how does he explain his actions in court, and he never took the time to confirm your identity. Nor does he have body camera footage of the contact, which, for the most part, is required now (this is a department violation, not a criminal offense).

I'm guessing he was either really young and still full of piss and vinegar or really old and crotchety about his life. Probably divorced twice by now.

There's always two sides to a story but this seems pretty bad regardless. Maybe he was a Class II or Class III officer working a road job, security detail, or something. Hudson County agencies have a bunch of guys doing part time work. Or Sheriff's officers with little to no road experience.
Thank for your perspective, pretty much what I thought but I am not aware of the dynamics of a Police Department especially now (or ever at least in the Us), with all the different things going on...very young officer, hints of roid rage with a little bit too much UV lamp exposure if you you ask me. Ironically, reminded me of the son in law of a dear friend of mine that I know is a PO and that annoyed my wife at my friend's birthday party because he kept calling he ma'am...I'll wait for the ticket in the mail and go from there...hopefully the S.W.A.T. team doesn't show up any time soon. I probably should have asked him if I needed to pull over when he said he was writing a ticket...

A coworker later told me he stopped going to have his lunch in the same park because one of the park employees told him the local PD takes pictures of the registration plate of cars that are not parked in the designated parking slots, which is odd because there is no designated parking slot per se, just gravel areas off the paved road on the side of the river, no signs, stripes etc. and cars were parked on the gravel and not blocking any exit or access...I guess they're counting on people paying up not bothering to go to court, and for those few who do, good for them.
Sounds like the typical North Jersey "bro" cop. Huge, tan, lots of tribal tattoos, and a gold chain with his badge number. High concentrations in Bergen/Essex/Hudson/Union. I never got along with those types. Be fucking normal. Bro.

Sounds like the Sheriff's Department, who absorbed the County Police Department many moons ago. They still patrol county properties including parks. I would eat elsewhere. Not worth the hassle. When one of them stops in to your place of work for a donation to the local PBA fundraiser, explain why you aren't giving a donation and tell him to get his house in order.
I wonder how the PO would have reacted if @serviceguy responded in fluent Italian and a confused look.
Funny you mentioned that, I've been in the US for so many years now that sometimes I get confused, speak Italian to my wife (who's British) or english to my mom (who's Italian)...I wonder if I replied in Italian and that pissed him off? LOL

My wife better not see that or I'm finished, she would play it every other minute!
Hey i was riding through byram and got to where they were laying gas pipe. The guy has a stop sign i am second person back, there are 4 cars behind waiting. It's down a hill so i could easily step on it and cruise down with traffic.

The sign flips the car goes and the guy yells "stop you don't go at me"

So i ride 40 feet double back and go what is the issue. He goes, "traffic first" i say "a am traffic it will be ok" The guy shakes his head as i roll down the hill.

So the cars are gone and i'm riding down the hill, the backhoe starts going in my lane and i see them start panicking on the radio and the operator looks at me and pulls forward.

The first failure of whatever this new law here was the assumption that bikes are not traffic.
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