Spruce Place entrance?

As a resident of the town and major mtb advocate, we need to be mindful of the residents. In that area, streets are tight, and driveway parking is limited. as MTB grows, new riders come to enjoy the beauty that is the local trail system And that is awesome, but we also need to be mindful of the impacts/effects, and perception.

Separate but related, Ryerson. MTB parking there is a privilege, yet 2 weeks ago as I was finishing my ride, I saw a group of three set up with folding chairs drinking post ride beers. This is a quick way to have that privilege revoked.

All I am suggesting is that we do our best to maintain harmony and I don’t necessarily think parking in neighborhoods is advisable, especially when there are othe options that won’t cause a stir.
During the week?
For trail maintenance, go the ringwood manor. Get a brushwood permit. You can drive into the woods on the fire road with the brushwood permit
Did that a couple of months ago, best $0 ever spent 😉 You're supposed to let them know in advance when you plan to drive in the park, what vehicle you'll be driving and the approximate location where you'll be harvesting the wood. They also told me that if you're going in for JORBA there's no need to notify them.
When I left for work this morning around 6:45am it was 26F...incredibly, the pumps at the gas station (Mobil1) were incredibly slow due to 'frozen pipes'. It took about 1/2 hr to pump $15, and I'm not kidding either. Never seen anything like that before and it has been colder...I consider it a preview of when the only circulating vehicles will be fully electric cars that will need to sit at the charge station for a few hours in order to ride the next 200 miles...
🤣🤣🤣🤣 frozen gas pipes . More like station has old mechanical leak detectors that site personal have no clue how they work . Next time that happens stop nozzle for 20 seconds and proceed to pump normal speed until full .
🤣🤣🤣🤣 frozen gas pipes . More like station has old mechanical leak detectors that site personal have no clue how they work . Next time that happens stop nozzle for 20 seconds and proceed to pump normal speed until full .
It didn’t make sense, hence the quotes…the attendant was trying the trick you suggested but it did not work. It was working when I stopped on the way back and filled the tank up. Did you get a call from Mobil 1 in Ringwood by any chance? LOL
It didn’t make sense, hence the quotes…the attendant was trying the trick you suggested but it did not work. It was working when I stopped on the way back and filled the tank up. Did you get a call from Mobil 1 in Ringwood by any chance? LOL
We do occasionally work at that station but not recently.

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