Things that make you frown :(

That’s very sad bro, but try to understand just how much he loved your mom to not want to move on. That kind of love you do not come by often. Only during the challenge of illness do you get the big picture in life.
I also have regrets on how I handled myself when my dad went through his cancer when I was just 22, but my dad knew how much I loved him and I’m sure yours did too. From the sounds of it, your sons know how much you care for them so you done good! Take it easy on yourself.
Thanks Frank you are an inspiration for sure!
Feeling bummed today and needed to vent so this is the place I picked. Everyone here has something going on and today is one of those days for me.

30 years ago today I came home from a night out and found my Dad semi-conscious on the floor as he had fallen out of bed. 3 hours later he passed away on the operating table - massive heart attack that the doctor told me a 25 year old man could not have survived let alone a 64 year old man in poor health. That's also the day I became an orphan as it was 5 years and one month after my Mom passed away from her 6+ year battle with Cancer.

It was only after all this took place that months later I realized how clinically depressed he was and he didn't take care of himself after my Mom passed because she did everything and he just wanted to die and be with her. Because of all these challenges our relationship soured pretty badly his last few years and I was busy finishing college, starting my career and even got engaged to try to move my life forward. I have some regrets around all this too deep to get into, but work hard every day to make sure my 3 sons don't end up seeing me in a negative light whenever its my time.

RIP Dad 🙏 8/11/29 - 6/4/94
I'm an orphan too. I'm sure a lot of people on here are. I'm sorry you are feeling down. Hang in there, you're amongst friends.
I am really having a hard time processing this. Hopefully typing it out helps for however reason.

When the scumbags came on my property and stole my kids’ basketball hoop that we had just redone, that was difficult but doable.

This morning, getting ready to drop the kids at school, I realized my POS 15 yr old CRV was hit with the sawzall out the cat, you lose disease. Boom. Looked like a brand new blade it was such clean cuts. FUUUUUUCK. Of course that means new down pipe and resonator, in addition to the cat and two heated oxygen sensors.
Yeah, my tenuous faith in humanity is shattered. Fuck all of you scumbags. I need therapy. It literally is my dead MILs car that they came on my property and hacked out its bowels. W. T. F. Never thought it would hit so hard.

Have a great night while rotting in hell…
I am really having a hard time processing this. Hopefully typing it out helps for however reason.

When the scumbags came on my property and stole my kids’ basketball hoop that we had just redone, that was difficult but doable.

This morning, getting ready to drop the kids at school, I realized my POS 15 yr old CRV was hit with the sawzall out the cat, you lose disease. Boom. Looked like a brand new blade it was such clean cuts. FUUUUUUCK. Of course that means new down pipe and resonator, in addition to the cat and two heated oxygen sensors.
Yeah, my tenuous faith in humanity is shattered. Fuck all of you scumbags. I need therapy. It literally is my dead MILs car that they came on my property and hacked out its bowels. W. T. F. Never thought it would hit so hard.

Have a great night while rotting in hell…
I am really having a hard time processing this. Hopefully typing it out helps for however reason.

When the scumbags came on my property and stole my kids’ basketball hoop that we had just redone, that was difficult but doable.

This morning, getting ready to drop the kids at school, I realized my POS 15 yr old CRV was hit with the sawzall out the cat, you lose disease. Boom. Looked like a brand new blade it was such clean cuts. FUUUUUUCK. Of course that means new down pipe and resonator, in addition to the cat and two heated oxygen sensors.
Yeah, my tenuous faith in humanity is shattered. Fuck all of you scumbags. I need therapy. It literally is my dead MILs car that they came on my property and hacked out its bowels. W. T. F. Never thought it would hit so hard.

Have a great night while rotting in hell…
Double whammy. Got no good words and I know the feeling having had my house vandalized multiple times with what some think is a joke but not when it costs money to fix and cleanup.

I feel for you and hopefully the shitheads that did this get theirs one day.
Right? WTF. Does that person not think you're not going to think about this for the rest of the day? Weeks? Months?
i should also note that this person has vacation off from Sept 13-23 and my usual july 4th week off for MTBNJ KT invasion was blocked off so i'll be working while in vermont
Right? WTF. Does that person not think you're not going to think about this for the rest of the day? Weeks? Months?

i found out why the time is "blocked off"... i cannot say until it is officially announced but it's actually not for a bad thing (like the company is being sold or something like that). but i am still kind of screwed at that time.

anyway... i guess the frown now includes the eye-roll inducing, overly dramatic slack message that should have just been a "hey... i know it sucks, but we have a schedule issue coming up so please try not to request time off during this time if it can be avoided"

*** i found out thru reporter contacts at work... not my supervisor so he doesn't know i know
Off old mine rd look pretty recent took pictures of the serial numbers I'm sure if the right people were on the case it could be figured out. That's refrigerant dumped in a national park.


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Same in my house right now.
Isn’t the number on the left supposed to less than/equal to the number on the right?
The central air can only keep up to a certain percentage vs the outside temp.

When it’s not 90+ for 3-5 days in a row generally the house temp lowers to the set temp. It’s impossible to do that right now.

I’ve resorted to lowering it way down at like 6am so at least the house stays below 80 at the hottest part of the day.
Woo, AC failure buddies.

Hopefully yours is not a total system failure like ours.
Do you have central air ? Does it run but not get cool ?

Look over in the DIY thread but one simple fix can be the capacitor on the outside condenser. I had this issue a few years back and fixed it myself for $65

Symptom would be the fan in the condenser is not blowing hot air means it’s not spinning fast enough
The central air can only keep up to a certain percentage vs the outside temp.

When it’s not 90+ for 3-5 days in a row generally the house temp lowers to the set temp. It’s impossible to do that right now.
Not how mine works.
We get the temperature we choose- is yours sized properly?
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