
Fcker. Embedded in underarm. Was just at Allaire today but don't think it could've gotten engorged in such short time. Can get it tested for $100 or go to doc for antibiotics or just gamble and do nothing. Oh joy.
Fcker. Embedded in underarm. Was just at Allaire today but don't think it could've gotten engorged in such short time. Can get it tested for $100 or go to doc for antibiotics or just gamble and do nothing. Oh joy.View attachment 218583
You can take a single dose of 200 mg doxycycline (twice usual dose) as a prophylactic but you have to get your doctor to prescribe. After that monitor for lyme symptoms for two to four weeks.

CDC recommendation: https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/tickbornediseases/tick-bite-prophylaxis.html
I found a deer tick that was in for less than 24hrs, probably less than 2hrs. Had a quick dose of doxy and sent it off to ESU. Got the tests back and it was neg for lyme, but pos for anaplasmosis, which my dog has. Here’s to hoping for the best.
Lucky you found it. I ended up with all the symptoms, and then I find the rash. 4 weeks of dox sucks.
Meh. Try 8 months on 3 types of antibiotics.

My advice is if you found a tick embedded on you and have anything as slight as a raspy throat the next week, get the dox.
Meh. Try 8 months on 3 types of antibiotics.

My advice is if you found a tick embedded on you and have anything as slight as a raspy throat the next week, get the dox.

8 months? If there’s a competition for this, you win. Why 8 months?
8 months? If there’s a competition for this, you win. Why 8 months?
The prize sucks... chronic joint pain and bladder issues for life. 🙁

About 25 years ago I had undiagnosed Lyme disease. Symptoms came on slowly and over many months, possible years. They included severe joint pain, a chronically inflamed bladder, blurry vision, heart palpitation and encephalitis (swelling of the brain). Because each symptom came on slowly and separately, I was going to different specialist in Manhattan (I was living in Queens at the time). Nobody could find anything specifically wrong and I was put on all kinds of treatments, but only for each individual symptom.

Nothing worked, I was literally going insane and crying for help. Then this hiker friend suggested I get tested for Lyme disease. I was like, "What the fuck is Lyme disease?" (Again, I grew up a city kid) She gave me the number to a Lyme Literate Doctor (Google it). The doctor gave me a blood test and a symptom checklist, which I scored a 100% 😖. She discovered I had Babesiosis. She was also certain (based on the checklist) that I had Lyme, despite it not coming up on the blood test. I immediately started a 3 month cylce of doxy, followed by a 3 month cycle of a different antibiotic and then another 2 months back on the doxy. This was and is probably still a controversial treatment strategy, but it worked.

Unfortunately, I still get joint pain flare ups and the occasional bladder issues but nothing like how it was during that terrible period of my life. 😔
on the subject of lyme, came across this recently.

on the subject of lyme, came across this recently.

i'm in the study. a year in, a couple of blood draws, shots, and lots of paperwork. Think it is a 3 year commitment, although i can w/d if needed.
The prize sucks... chronic joint pain and bladder issues for life. 🙁

About 25 years ago I had undiagnosed Lyme disease. Symptoms came on slowly and over many months, possible years. They included severe joint pain, a chronically inflamed bladder, blurry vision, heart palpitation and encephalitis (swelling of the brain). Because each symptom came on slowly and separately, I was going to different specialist in Manhattan (I was living in Queens at the time). Nobody could find anything specifically wrong and I was put on all kinds of treatments, but only for each individual symptom.

Nothing worked, I was literally going insane and crying for help. Then this hiker friend suggested I get tested for Lyme disease. I was like, "What the fuck is Lyme disease?" (Again, I grew up a city kid) She gave me the number to a Lyme Literate Doctor (Google it). The doctor gave me a blood test and a symptom checklist, which I scored a 100% 😖. She discovered I had Babesiosis. She was also certain (based on the checklist) that I had Lyme, despite it not coming up on the blood test. I immediately started a 3 month cylce of doxy, followed by a 3 month cycle of a different antibiotic and then another 2 months back on the doxy. This was and is probably still a controversial treatment strategy, but it worked.

Unfortunately, I still get joint pain flare ups and the occasional bladder issues but nothing like how it was during that terrible period of my life. 😔

The worst part (other than all the suffering 🙃) is the lack of definitive testing. I’ve been treated 3 or 4 times for Lyme but never actually tested positive. I just had every symptom including the bullseye rashes, fever, fatigue…. Etc.

My google history definitely includes “states without Lyme disease “.
The worst part (other than all the suffering 🙃) is the lack of definitive testing. I’ve been treated 3 or 4 times for Lyme but never actually tested positive. I just had every symptom including the bullseye rashes, fever, fatigue…. Etc.

My google history definitely includes “states without Lyme disease “.
2x for me. Never tested positive either. Just all the symptoms and doxy did the job.
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