What WEIRD things have you found on your rides?

Another odd interaction at the Wiss parking lot last night, but not quite as sad or alarming. An old man who had just taken it upon himself to help a family back out of their parking space then walked up to me as I was getting changed and started to tell me that I looked strong and that I could win a triathlon if I wanted him to coach me. He then informed me of his Boston Marathon times (to the second) for the eight times he claimed he did it. Then he told me that "everyone was going to flip out" when they saw what he had planned. And then he opened his car (yup, another possibly delusional person with a license to aim drive a several thousand pound vehicle) and insisted I check out the giant speaker system he had inside that he was going to use for "playing concerts right here in the park". I humored him for the most part, but I finally told him I had to leave when he started to tell me his planned setlist (which hilariously included both Pink Floyd and, apparently, Taylor Swift songs.) He was pretty harmless and definitely less frightening than last week's encounter, but I'm now curious to see who comes out of the woodwork next.
When is the concert? I like Pink Floyd and Taylor Swift.
Another odd interaction at the Wiss parking lot last night, but not quite as sad or alarming. An old man who had just taken it upon himself to help a family back out of their parking space then walked up to me as I was getting changed and started to tell me that I looked strong and that I could win a triathlon if I wanted him to coach me. He then informed me of his Boston Marathon times (to the second) for the eight times he claimed he did it. Then he told me that "everyone was going to flip out" when they saw what he had planned. And then he opened his car (yup, another possibly delusional person with a license to aim drive a several thousand pound vehicle) and insisted I check out the giant speaker system he had inside that he was going to use for "playing concerts right here in the park". I humored him for the most part, but I finally told him I had to leave when he started to tell me his planned setlist (which hilariously included both Pink Floyd and, apparently, Taylor Swift songs.) He was pretty harmless and definitely less frightening than last week's encounter, but I'm now curious to see who comes out of the woodwork next.
Did he offer you candy or to massage your legs?
Another odd interaction at the Wiss parking lot last night, but not quite as sad or alarming. An old man who had just taken it upon himself to help a family back out of their parking space then walked up to me as I was getting changed and started to tell me that I looked strong and that I could win a triathlon if I wanted him to coach me. He then informed me of his Boston Marathon times (to the second) for the eight times he claimed he did it. Then he told me that "everyone was going to flip out" when they saw what he had planned. And then he opened his car (yup, another possibly delusional person with a license to aim drive a several thousand pound vehicle) and insisted I check out the giant speaker system he had inside that he was going to use for "playing concerts right here in the park". I humored him for the most part, but I finally told him I had to leave when he started to tell me his planned setlist (which hilariously included both Pink Floyd and, apparently, Taylor Swift songs.) He was pretty harmless and definitely less frightening than last week's encounter, but I'm now curious to see who comes out of the woodwork next.
Those bolded bits are classic social engineering/predator moves, and they worked very well on you based on the italicized parts you stated. You should seriously consider avoiding this place; no ride is worth this level of annoyance and/or danger.
Last night I found racism, anti-semitism and (probably) schizophrenia in the parking lot at Wiss. I had just parked and was getting ready to ride and this older woman - well dressed with a one of those little yip-yip dogs - at the car next to me looks at me and says, "I hope you're not Jewish." I said, "Ummm ... Come again?" And then she went off a very disjointed rant about (don't hold me to specifics here because it was kind of hard to follow) suing her brother in law and a priest because he is Jewish and was given communion at a catholic church and she won't have it, while her slutty aunt just did terrible things to her and she grew up a millionaire and she found her cigarettes and by the way the blacks are just as bad even though her spiritual adviser in Kentucky where she lives (but she's from Camden originally) is black and said the most terrible sex things to her and she shouldn't have to go to jail for hitting her brother in law.

All of that - and much more - was said in the time it took me to get my shoes on and my bike off the rack. Then she started with the really racist stuff and I just took off. I was kind of worried that this woman had clearly driven herself to the park because, I'll be honest, it kinda seemed like her having a license might be the kind of bureaucratic oversight that ends *poorly*. I suppose I probably should have done something - called someone or something - because this was some kind of episode, but honestly every time I've ever tried to intervene to help someone in Wiss, it's ended poorly or nothing happened. This includes twice I've stopped to call police after witnessing a B&E on a car and they told me to wait but then never showed up, a time I tried to help a guy who crashed only to be accused of causing the crash (which I didn't even see happen - I just heard it and came around a corner and the guy was on the ground bleeding) and the time I tried to help a lady keep her dog from running off only to be bitten by the dog. So I kind of worried that if I had called to help I might be sitting in Einstein myself right now on a 24 hour psych hold while that lady would be walking free to spew her hate speech at school children or something.
Another odd interaction at the Wiss parking lot last night, but not quite as sad or alarming. An old man who had just taken it upon himself to help a family back out of their parking space then walked up to me as I was getting changed and started to tell me that I looked strong and that I could win a triathlon if I wanted him to coach me. He then informed me of his Boston Marathon times (to the second) for the eight times he claimed he did it. Then he told me that "everyone was going to flip out" when they saw what he had planned. And then he opened his car (yup, another possibly delusional person with a license to aim drive a several thousand pound vehicle) and insisted I check out the giant speaker system he had inside that he was going to use for "playing concerts right here in the park". I humored him for the most part, but I finally told him I had to leave when he started to tell me his planned setlist (which hilariously included both Pink Floyd and, apparently, Taylor Swift songs.) He was pretty harmless and definitely less frightening than last week's encounter, but I'm now curious to see who comes out of the woodwork next.
So which parking lot were these encounters so I make sure to avoid it, if I already wasn't. I seem to remember bumping into you at Northwestern while riding. I already avoid Valley Green, Bells Mills and Pachella Field. Have considered Blue Bell Field, but have been sticking to the movie theater lot on Main Street as an easy way to get into Belmont or Wiss.

There's been some booming systems in vehicles around the Belmont Plateau on Thursdays. A memorable night was a few dudes blasting tunes from a Dodge minivan, dancing behind it. Assuming it was a Tik Tok video shoot.
Those bolded bits are classic social engineering/predator moves, and they worked very well on you based on the italicized parts you stated. You should seriously consider avoiding this place; no ride is worth this level of annoyance and/or danger.
So which parking lot were these encounters so I make sure to avoid it, if I already wasn't. I seem to remember bumping into you at Northwestern while riding. I already avoid Valley Green, Bells Mills and Pachella Field. Have considered Blue Bell Field, but have been sticking to the movie theater lot on Main Street as an easy way to get into Belmont or Wiss.

There's been some booming systems in vehicles around the Belmont Plateau on Thursdays. A memorable night was a few dudes blasting tunes from a Dodge minivan, dancing behind it. Assuming it was a Tik Tok video shoot.
@Bikeworks -Thanks, I'll keep that in mind next time I'm at the playground and that guy offers me more candy. But in his defense, the candy looked really delicious all spread out in his van like that.

@JDurk - It was at the Valley Green Inn lot. I've had very few issues in that lot over the years - one run-in with an idiot cop who thought I stole my own car, a couple other minor things and now two crazies in quick succession. All in all, still a pretty good batting average there. I think you're fine inthe movie theater lot, but just be aware that they used to tow cars there. If you're ever looking for the safest spots within the park, the cul de sac on Cornella Drive off Wolcott as your driving into the park from Chestnut Hill is as safe as it gets. Of course, you have to climb out of the park after your ride then, but it is safe.
Another odd interaction at the Wiss parking lot last night, but not quite as sad or alarming. An old man who had just taken it upon himself to help a family back out of their parking space then walked up to me as I was getting changed and started to tell me that I looked strong and that I could win a triathlon if I wanted him to coach me. He then informed me of his Boston Marathon times (to the second) for the eight times he claimed he did it. Then he told me that "everyone was going to flip out" when they saw what he had planned. And then he opened his car (yup, another possibly delusional person with a license to aim drive a several thousand pound vehicle) and insisted I check out the giant speaker system he had inside that he was going to use for "playing concerts right here in the park". I humored him for the most part, but I finally told him I had to leave when he started to tell me his planned setlist (which hilariously included both Pink Floyd and, apparently, Taylor Swift songs.) He was pretty harmless and definitely less frightening than last week's encounter, but I'm now curious to see who comes out of the woodwork next.

Sounds like local lonely old folks have figured out that mountain bikers like to talk to them. I don't even want to talk to mountain bikers I don't know in a lot - if some kook comes by I'd just ignore them or tell them to bother someone else.

As an example, I see this old lady almost every time I ride by a local park (which is 4-5 x a week). She parks her Prius in the lot and keeps walking around her car doing who knows what. Once in a while she has water bottles stacked - she may be trying to sell them to people going into the park for a hike or fishing. I don't know what she's up to and don't want to find out.
In the past I've had luck parking on Gorgas ln. Haven't been to Wiss in a couple years though so I'm not sure that's still a good street to park on.
Had stopped to check who was calling me when I was riding at Wharton last week. Was about to answer when I was startled by an old guy walking towards me wearing nothing but a speedo and sunglasses. Just got right back on the pedals and started riding again.

Very next ride I saw the same guy in the same exact spot on the trail. What are the odds? Wreaked of bug spray.
Dragged out of a farmers field. Jeff Spicoli’s dad could probably fix it.



Had stopped to check who was calling me when I was riding at Wharton last week. Was about to answer when I was startled by an old guy walking towards me wearing nothing but a speedo and sunglasses. Just got right back on the pedals and started riding again.

Very next ride I saw the same guy in the same exact spot on the trail. What are the odds? Wreaked of bug spray.
Sorry, @Mitch is off his meds.
He’s largely harmless.
Check to see if someone was in there(wasn't) a truck rolled up and stopped asked if he knew what was up he said his brother did it last night
No service out there dude had to walk like 3 miles to get help
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