2023 edition 31/31 / Halters cycles / MTBNJ Ride Every Day Contest For bragging rights and more. NOW with 21/31 option

(29/31) - I got sooo lost.


July 29
Ride 24/21

Last nights storm produced an awesome display of cloud to air lightning. But with the storm last night knew a morning ride would be on the road. On the way to canal road stopped to get a shot of a morning rainbow when I heard the rain moving through the trees. Sky opened up. Didn’t get the picture but got absolutely soaked for about 10-minutes.

29. I think I rode with Sven. He got lost like 11 times. I had a blast! I think he did too. Had to clean off the bike in the creek at the end… so why not cool off 😎? https://strava.app.link/0eO6lIHhQBb

There’s Sven!


Missed the photo op with a small fawn bc everything was so sweaty and I couldn’t even use my phone until the sweat dried off with or without gloves. so I entitle this photo “Waiting for Sven bc he thought I meant down the switchbacks on white… rather than yellow”.

DAY 21 OF 21! Made it!

Finally made it to 21/21 this year. The last 2 years I think I ended up with 19 or 20 due to being sick or something. I know most of it was road riding but this little friendly competition kept me motivated to ride on days I might not have (like 530AM before work).

Today I left early before the shop ride with the goal to get in another metric. I changed up my loop this morning before the ride and went into Randolph and mine hill/wharton area. It was real strange weather around 6-6:30AM there were dark clouds north of me but the predicted Tstorm at 7AM disappeared from the radar right around 6:15 so I went for it. As I made my way into Randolph it clearly had rained heavy but only for a short period.

Met up with the shop ride for 8AM and fortunately most of the loop out to Califon and back it was cloudy where earlier the sun was out otherwise I dont think I could have made it to 65 miles with the heat and humidity. Got home and jumped right into the cool pool for a bit before deciding there was NFW I was cutting the grass today.

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