2023 edition 31/31 / Halters cycles / MTBNJ Ride Every Day Contest For bragging rights and more. NOW with 21/31 option




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Day 19 of 21

Worked at home on what is usually an office day due to stuff going on around here.

Actually rode on some dirt on the gravel bike to hide from the sun in the shade of the Columbia trail and I am glad I did. Any time I was in the direct sun I felt like I was melting. Just pedaling easy out and back but I did stop to rescue this turtle Laying in the middle of the trail.

Will take it easy tmw too and get another lunch work ride in. Hoping this weekend is not too blazing hot to get some more miles in and hit 21 days on Saturday.

July 27
Day 22 of 21

Halters leaderless ride took a turn on the d&r towpath for some gravel grinding. Up to south bound brook and back to blackwells mills with @ekuhn. Towpath miles for a lot quicker with someone to chat with.

Post ride sitting on the deck. Turned into a nice evening.

After a few hours of yardwork I had zero motivation to get on a bike on such a hot and sunny day. So I waited for the sun to go down a bit. Never before have I encountered so many bugs on a ride. It was impossible to ride with my mouth open, even had a few go up my nose.


July 27

1hr, 42min

Kept it local and avoided the big hills.

It seems that skeletons are now a year-round thing. I see them in a lot of yards, and their "focus" or "activities" change for the various holidays throughout the year.

These first 2 are at the same house - from today and July 4th:

However, "Shark week" doesn't seem to be the most-fitting for skeletons, as there is no meat on them bones - unless the bones mean that the sharks had a successful attack.


Summer fun:



Memorial Day:

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July 27
Ride #27

As much as I love planning bike trips. this road trip isn't about me. But I did mange to make sure we stayed at a hotel near the only mtb trails off of Rt 95 between South Carolina and Georgia.
Blythe Island Park, Brunswick, Georgia. Roughly a flat 5 mile loop with various palm vegetation and hard pack sand. This small little trail system was builf for bikes with lots of wooden features and turns to keep it interesting. I hit the trail at 7am, and to my surprise I was the very first person out today. Not a single dog walker or jogger. So the first loop through I cleared at least 300 spider webs with my face, arms, or torso. Not to forget having to stop twice to take off my helmit to free some buzzing flying insect that trapped inself in there. I couldn't get back to the hotel fast enough to shower.
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