Be the doughnut! (or, how I learned to stop worrying and enjoy mediocrity)

I weigh more than Eric soaking wet with a dozen donuts AND his bike. And I'm a girl ;) Can I order a L onesie just to stand around in?

I don't race Cross but I do know I engage in daily mental battles about training during XC season. I push myself HARD during races (and have some podiums to show for it) but between work, commute, family, friends and travel I certainty don't train like someone wanting to be competitive. Mediocre Training tips are for me!
Another teaser....
We have been meaning to head up to the Catskills to check out a few places for a while. Rented a VRBO cabin...did a little exploring. I'm more of a mountains and streams sort of guy than a beach guy. Fun Fact: I've never been to the Jersey Shore. We had planned on riding the Catskills Scenic Trail with Thing 1 and Thing 2 but rain and other factors crushed those plans.

Mediocre Training Tip™: If inclement weather gets in the way of your ride...meh.

Very little riding occurred this weekend. I rode the new(ish) cross bike on local trails for an hour. We are in the middle of The Great Disc Brake Migration of 2016 (TGDBM'16). Canti's work well enough for CX racing but holy shit disc brakes and 40c tires make riding trails a different ballgame.

No time for more words today so pictures:

This picture sums up the Catskills perfectly

Information kiosk utterly devoid of information. Amazing air brush artwork abounds. Everything slightly derelict.

I recently finished reading Charlotte's Web to Thing 1 and find myself looking for messages in spider webs. Some Pig. Terrific.

Thing 1 helped me lace a wheel (see: TGDBM'16). @Dominos posed the question: would you race on a wheel built by a 5 year old?

Thing 2 looks like a thug here. It's almost mum season which means it's almost September. #mumsarecoming
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