More natural tick repellent


Active Member
I know I am that person but I hate covering myself in deet. I would rather do a tick check than grow a third arm. Does anyone have any suggestions for a natural tick repellent? I prefer if you tried it and have had good results with it. Dont say body odor... Many of us have tried that as an option and it doesn't seem to work :D . I am looking for either something that I could eat more of or a more natural oil or anything else besides deet. Any suggestions?
Cool link thanks

I also make my own repellent. Using natural oils. When I was working at a wolf-dog shelter in a high tick infested area, rolling around on the ground with the woofies, I never had a tick, so I guess it works.

If we ever get to do a tues beginner ride at Allaire, or you see me out on the trails, feel free to hit me up to try some (sorry cannot divulge my secret recipe ;) )
Hate to say it, but DEET is the only thing proven to work. That said, I don't use anything, and I haven't had a tick bite in at least 10 years. I log somewhere around 100 rides a year in the woods (mostly Hartshorne and Allaire). The secret is to keep moving, and limit brushing up against tall grass and brush.
I think the natives have been known to rub mud and dung on their bodies.

"Mosquitoes can't bite through mud," explained Stubblefield, who said Native Americans have used this method for generations. Too many mosquitoes attempting to bite you at once can be incredibly dangerous, which is why you might need to resort to plastering yourself in mud.
Mud is a good idea, but it may get a little heavy. Do you know of any light weight mud.

Seriously, I went to wayway last week. I wasn't wearing any bug repellent. I must have plucked a dozen ticks off of me. When I got home I checked my self and gear again, I didn't find any. But I found 2 of them in my bathroom today. :scared: does anyone know what i can spray around the house to kill them just in case there's more. I'm going to stock up on some 110% DEET today. Ticks freak me out…and from what I've read are very dangerous. I'm willing to take my chances with DEET.
If you are worried about ticks getting around the home, I resort to stripping everything off the moment I walk through the door. Extreme heat will kill them, so I stick my clothing in the washer immediately or if I am not doing laundry soon, stick them dryer for 5-10 minutes to kill anything on my clothing. Thorough tick check the minute you get home.. If I follow that routine, I never find them crawling around my house anymore and typically none on me the next day.

I have resorted to the long white socks method. I am constantly stopping to look at the outside of my cloths. I don't use bug spray all too often, but if I am going to a highly infested area.. Just a little bit on my ankles and wrists normally does the trick. And try not to place your bags down on the ground...

I can't wait, I think I'm going to try the no-bite-me!
hate to burst your bubble, but 10 minutes in the drier wont do. Has to be on high for an hour at the very least and VERY hot. Washing the clothes doesnt kill them either.
"First Nations" people AKA Native Americans also used lemon grass and other native plants to keep bugs away.
Why you so mad at Deet? One time last year, I was cleaning my car and thought I grabbed this spot cleaner, but I grabbed Deet instead. Ever since then all I smell is Deet, and it actually relaxes me.

I know I am that person but I hate covering myself in deet. I would rather do a tick check than grow a third arm.

pics of said third arm!
Both Campmor and Whole foods sell a deet free natural tick repellent. They have lemongrass oil and rosemary oil in them.

Campmor also sells the serious stuff you spray on your clothes that lasts for 6 washes. It is a poison, not a repellent, so it will kill ticks. That is a bit scary for me to use, but hikers swear by it.

Here are 2 natural ones that I have tried:

In my opinion it is best to wear as much protection clothing as possible if you are working in the woods, and to check yourself promptly both before the car and before you enter the shower. I have found ticks while showering.

If you are riding, do not stop or sit down in grass.

I do not know if it is a wives tale, but I read somewhere that the lyme bacteria does not like cinnamon or hot pepper in your blood, so I eat daily.
Well I eat nothing but Mexican food and I got Lyme twice. But I do sit around on the side of the trails for hours and hours most weekends in the summer.
Those suckers don't drown.. That much I know! Washing works because it takes about an hour in the dryer to dry. Ten won't kill them on high heat? Then I must be awful lucky this year! :hmmm: These things remind me like mini-cock roaches that can get anywhere and everywhere.... Until you get em with a lighter !
i havent seen a tick on me since i got lymes like 10 years ago
i think ticks look at me and say "yeah...i hit that already"

I have heard that the bacteria (not tick) may detect an already taken sort of thing. Not sure if there is any truth to that.
I have heard that the bacteria (not tick) may detect an already taken sort of thing. Not sure if there is any truth to that.

there isnt.
I know a guy that has advanced lymes and he still gets bit all the time. Freaks me out because if the tick wasnt carrying it before it bit him, does it pick it up to transmit to the next person??? We would be walking together through the woods and he would get 2 or 3 ticks on him and I wouldnt have any. But I eat A LOT of garlic, maybe I dont smell so good :D
Thanks for all of the suggestions. Arwen's mom I will be down your way hopefully soon and can try out your super secret concoction. if it works I will pay you to make me some :)
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