
I never said they work, just that they exist 😉

Today, we are going to focus on one item in particular because it happens to be the most heavily marketed and widely sold commercial snakebite kit on the market.

My dad always kept them in our hunting kits. Timber rattlers are crazy down here. A lumber company was logging one of our hunt clubs when I was a kid and the company pulled out of the job because the property was “infested” with rattle snakes.

Pops won’t go in the woods without wearing knee high snake boots.
I never said they work, just that they exist 😉

Today, we are going to focus on one item in particular because it happens to be the most heavily marketed and widely sold commercial snakebite kit on the market.

My dad always kept them in our hunting kits. Timber rattlers are crazy down here. A lumber company was logging one of our hunt clubs when I was a kid and the company pulled out of the job because the property was “infested” with rattle snakes.

Pops won’t go in the woods without wearing knee high snake boots.

So snakebite kits are sold by snake oil companies? Hmm. Kinda makes sense?
I never said they work, just that they exist 😉

Today, we are going to focus on one item in particular because it happens to be the most heavily marketed and widely sold commercial snakebite kit on the market.

My dad always kept them in our hunting kits. Timber rattlers are crazy down here. A lumber company was logging one of our hunt clubs when I was a kid and the company pulled out of the job because the property was “infested” with rattle snakes.

Pops won’t go in the woods without wearing knee high snake boots.
Yes, true, and welcome to 1968.
almost ran over this guy after making a right on to ice pond road from cats nest. he/she didn’t move as I rode by and remained a statue as I snapped a photo from a safe distance. Rat snake? Something else?

i saw one on a trail in ringwood once a few years ago. I was totally freaked out for the rest of the ride. I've heard that when animal control removes a rattle snake from anywhere in NJ that they bring it to ringwood because it is sort of a refuge for timber rattlers in NJ.
i saw one on a trail in ringwood once a few years ago. I was totally freaked out for the rest of the ride. I've heard that when animal control removes a rattle snake from anywhere in NJ that they bring it to ringwood because it is sort of a refuge for timber rattlers in NJ.
That is great, as someone that is greatly freaked out/scared by snakes of all sorts I seem to have picked up the perfect place to live!
Just to address the OP's comment - there are no "Snake Bite" or "Venom Kits". You should take an appropriate First Aid course, relative to your activities and locations, then create a first aid kit to carry with you. Best time-n-money-spent you'll (hopefully) never use.
this is very good advice. thanks.
People really worry about getting bitten by a snake mountain biking? They aren't going to fly out of a tree, land on you and bite you (like bees). You probably have 10x higher chance of getting struck by lightning.

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