Running With the Foghorn Leghorn

Friday, July 3, 2015

Woke up at 5:00 and was on the road by 5:15. I think I rode for 1:45 but that seems like 4 days ago now so I forget. Saw this guy get out of bed.


Went back home and got ready for camping while D got her ride in then drove south to Wharton and got our campsite setup.

Went for an exploratory ride and found one of the endless dirt/sand roads. Got in about another half hour of riding with the kids.

Back to camp for a snack, then off to walk at the village where we saw a snake. I'd upload the pic but I'm on Mars and it takes too long. Then went to the beach briefly before going to get some ice at Wawa.

Cooking dinner now and drinking more Sucks, which does not suck. Reminds me of Primus when I was in college. Oh and I took a shower which was awesome. And someone is running a generator.

Sorry the next few days will be more terse than normal. I'm in the woods so it's the best I can do. This corn on the cob is banging good.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Independence Day reminds me of a post college house I lived in when the old lady once came out on the front porch and yelled, "HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!"

Then her teeth fell out.

Last night there was a kid a few sites over screaming bloody murder. Then some bird or owl was making all sorts of noise. Sleep was less than perfect. But this is camping.

Woke up at 5 and did a big 23 mile loop on Gonzo, which is obviously the best bike for the job here. The trails were surprisingly fun this morning and I can say I was pleasantly surprised.

Not gonna post many pics as it takes forever down here in Alabama. Jesus it's white trash land down here.

Came back to camp and had some pancakes, eggs, and corned beef hash. Some of the fun of camping is the food.

Eventually got out and did a ride with the kids. It was mixed in that we tried to do a loop and got strung out and tried to take the dirt road back. But the dirt was sand. Just brutal to ride on. So I went back solo to get the car and rescue the clan from a Dune-like fate.

Wild blueberries are literally everywhere. It's awesome.

The kid is screaming already. It's 9:18. Zac says, "Do they even take care of this kid?" I'm never coming back to this place. They've been blaring f'ing dance music all evening. What kind of shit is that? How is it that camping to some people means getting shitface drunk and annoying everyone in earshot? Bet you $1 they suck as neighbors.

Went to the beach in the afternoon then made pasta, ribs, and potatoes for dinner because AMERICA! And red wine from Argentina because why the F not? AMERICA! We own Argentina right?

I can't tell you how many early exits we have had camping because of the trash that rolls in with "0" respect. Lake Geroge comes to mind where 1:30am white trash sets up shanty town on both sides. Tarped both intire sites then set 5 TVs up and 2 days straight of Yes network, fuck I hate the Yankees...
You should camp at Voorhees. It's empty most of the time. Except for the bears
Happy 4th all, celebrating in DC with the family and some friends. I still can't believe that no one in my group likes the air space museum, damn I love that place.
How is it that camping to some people means getting shitface drunk and annoying everyone in earshot? Bet you $1 they suck as neighbors.

Reminds me of a boy scouts trip, we were hiking in high point for the day then we set up camp. We got raided by bears so a bunch of us left our tents in the middle of the night and stayed in the lean-to at the site. One of the leaders was in that lean-to with us, and it turns out he was less than sober. At some point in the night the bears came back and started jumping on the bear box that was about 50 feet from the lean-to. Said leader gets up and starts screaming a drunken rage at the bears, saying things like "you'll never take one of these kids unless you kill me first" and other such statements that only alcohol could fuel. Not sure he was really helping any of us feel better.

We made it through the night, and sadly this leader has since passed away from alcohol related complications.
Sunday, July 5, 2015

So the baby didn't cry all night. That was a relief. But the baby's chain smoking mother wouldn't shut her pie hole until 1:00 in the morning. D was much worse for it as I slept through some of it. But when I woke up She-Beast was going on about hating her mother. What on Earth is wrong with people?


Woke up at 5 again and was rolling by 5:15. Got a little bit prepared for the ride the night before and getting everything together was a lot easier this morning. Did some of the same trails as yesterday but I had snagged a GPX file from @moray42 and linked in with the smaller Wharton loop. I will say the guys did a great job cleaning it out and I only had to dismount 2 times I think. You can tell there was a ton of work done recently. Awesome to see.

These pines get a bad reputation but I have to say this loop was actually fun. Ended up with 27 miles and 292 feet of elevation, so it may be a bit flat. But the miles are enjoyable and for the most part it was on hard-pack dirt and the sugar sand was very limited and at that, really only a few road connectors. I think the biggest issue is when you go off grid. The Sand Death awaits if you stray off the path.

Cooked up some breakfast while D got her ride in, then we packed up and headed home. It was an enjoyable weekend but the human trash factor was too high here so I think we won't be going back. I think up in north jersey it rains frequently enough in the summer overnight that people like this tend to avoid it. In the past 2 years we haven't had 1 camp like this in Swartswood. Maybe we just got a bad draw on this one. The biking was fun and the kids seemed to enjoy it. Anyway, that's our yearly camping excursion with the kids.


Got home and unpacked the car, cleaned stuff up, and then got to work trying to make Ted rideable again. Last we looked it was partially filthy from Lewis Morris and the pulleys on the RD would not move. I washed it up to make it feel pretty then took apart the pulleys and worked them into life again. I had cleaned the chain during the week and when I threw it all together it only needed a little tweaking to get it working right. The shifter was sticking but I blasted it with a little teflon spray and that eased things up there a bit. When all was said and done I had a functioning Ted again that still squeaks like a pig.

I have to say that riding it now feels so small. After being on Gonzo for 60 miles this weekend I'm used to the Battle Tank feel. Ted was a little sketchy feeling when I ride it around the house. Odd but true. Anyway, I'm sure that will shake in no time. But I wonder if anyone else has this sort of sensation ever. I know I have said the same about the cx bike.

Rest of day was packing up again for the trip tomorrow. Hitting the road early and spending a week up in Vermont at Kingdom Trails with the team. Should be good for lots of pics and such. Or we will all go radio silent tomorrow and not be heard from again until Sunday. @pearl will likely go nuts tomorrow with nobody to talk to.

I feel good. Looking forward to this week a lot. I've never done anything like this.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

So the baby didn't cry all night. That was a relief. But the baby's chain smoking mother wouldn't shut her pie hole until 1:00 in the morning. D was much worse for it as I slept through some of it. But when I woke up She-Beast was going on about hating her mother. What on Earth is wrong with people?

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Woke up at 5 again and was rolling by 5:15. Got a little bit prepared for the ride the night before and getting everything together was a lot easier this morning. Did some of the same trails as yesterday but I had snagged a GPX file from @moray42 and linked in with the smaller Wharton loop. I will say the guys did a great job cleaning it out and I only had to dismount 2 times I think. You can tell there was a ton of work done recently. Awesome to see.

These pines get a bad reputation but I have to say this loop was actually fun. Ended up with 27 miles and 292 feet of elevation, so it may be a bit flat. But the miles are enjoyable and for the most part it was on hard-pack dirt and the sugar sand was very limited and at that, really only a few road connectors. I think the biggest issue is when you go off grid. The Sand Death awaits if you stray off the path.

Cooked up some breakfast while D got her ride in, then we packed up and headed home. It was an enjoyable weekend but the human trash factor was too high here so I think we won't be going back. I think up in north jersey it rains frequently enough in the summer overnight that people like this tend to avoid it. In the past 2 years we haven't had 1 camp like this in Swartswood. Maybe we just got a bad draw on this one. The biking was fun and the kids seemed to enjoy it. Anyway, that's our yearly camping excursion with the kids.

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Got home and unpacked the car, cleaned stuff up, and then got to work trying to make Ted rideable again. Last we looked it was partially filthy from Lewis Morris and the pulleys on the RD would not move. I washed it up to make it feel pretty then took apart the pulleys and worked them into life again. I had cleaned the chain during the week and when I threw it all together it only needed a little tweaking to get it working right. The shifter was sticking but I blasted it with a little teflon spray and that eased things up there a bit. When all was said and done I had a functioning Ted again that still squeaks like a pig.

I have to say that riding it now feels so small. After being on Gonzo for 60 miles this weekend I'm used to the Battle Tank feel. Ted was a little sketchy feeling when I ride it around the house. Odd but true. Anyway, I'm sure that will shake in no time. But I wonder if anyone else has this sort of sensation ever. I know I have said the same about the cx bike.

Rest of day was packing up again for the trip tomorrow. Hitting the road early and spending a week up in Vermont at Kingdom Trails with the team. Should be good for lots of pics and such. Or we will all go radio silent tomorrow and not be heard from again until Sunday. @pearl will likely go nuts tomorrow with nobody to talk to.

I feel good. Looking forward to this week a lot. I've never done anything like this.

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Glad the trip worked out. I'd say maybe the craziness was just because the Atsion Lake area is the primary recreation area in Wharton, but I passed by Bass River on the way to clear the loop Saturday morning and the holiday onslaught was forming there already. 6:30am, and back roads that see sporadic traffic were overflowing with people parked and waiting for the gates to open.

That beings said, the camps to the other side of Wharton are a little more remote, and may have been slightly less crazy. Just an FYI in the even you wander back down.

Without sidetracking much further, just wanted to give props to the other guys for clearing a ton on Friday. @slingblade_uhhuh @pibbles @sj_john
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Monday, July 6, 2015

Set the alarm for 6:00 so of course I woke up 5, but was able to get back to sleep. Jumped up at 6, had breakfast & tea, then woke up D and then we got the kids up, ready, and set sail for the Kingdom.


We drove up, 6 hours & 10 minutes, then got dressed and hit the trail with Utah, the Oishis, and Iggy.


Headed back to the house, got a shower, drank a beer, took a picture of Iggy on a rock, ate some dinner.


Had another beer. Sitting out back now. As much as I'd love to talk I'm hanging out now.
Monday, July 6, 2015

Set the alarm for 6:00 so of course I woke up 5, but was able to get back to sleep. Jumped up at 6, had breakfast & tea, then woke up D and then we got the kids up, ready, and set sail for the Kingdom.

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We drove up, 6 hours & 10 minutes, then got dressed and hit the trail with Utah, the Oishis, and Iggy.

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Headed back to the house, got a shower, drank a beer, took a picture of Iggy on a rock, ate some dinner.

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Had another beer. Sitting out back now. As much as I'd love to talk I'm hanging out now.

Day #1 and Iggy's already naked.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Rain yesterday morning made it an eggs & bacon kinda day. We bummed around and did trophies and waited for Kirt. He rolled in at 10 then we were off around 11:30.

Rode 2.5 with D then 1.5 solo. I'm enjoying it while I'm here. I want to drive away saturated in bike trails. Yesterday was good for that.

The Heady Topper ran out yesterday. So we've moved on to less impossible beers to get.

Dinner was on us, D made Japanese curry which can obliterated. People are hungry here. Between the 17 of us I'm sure we ride 300-400 miles a day.

I feel good & tired. Eating & drinking is good. Riding is good. People are good. Trip can't really be any better.

I've annointed myself the breakfast guy. Yesterday I made 72 eggs.

give us a count of people in a house, vs camping ... 17 is crazy to coordinate.

There must be some serious sleeping going on with all the riding.
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