Running With the Foghorn Leghorn

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Woke up yesterday and made 36 more eggs and a pot of oatmeal. Then hit the trails at 9:30 with D and little Rob and I took her up to Moose Alley and some other stuff. Finished up with some of the things she likes then brought them back. 3 hours for them.

Rolled back out in search of the Pearls and found them shortly. Did another 1.5 with them then I rolled back for 4.5 total.

Kirt & I then went beer hunting and topped off the day with a massive lasagna that Patty & Matty made. Sat around and BS'ed the rest of the night away.

Getting tired now.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Up & out the door early with Pearl & Utah for his swan song ride before he had to head back to NJ for a wedding. Waking up was hard but we got out there and once we got rolling it was mostly fine but both Utah and I have tired legs.

Back to the house for breakfast and coffee then out again by 11:30. Saw Luke & Jimmy off then Matty & the Family. Kinda sad to see everyone go. It was a really nice week with everyone.

D & I hit another 21 miles of trails and I ended the day with over 4.5 hours again. Wish I could do those doubles but an AM bike is not the best option for that. I've ridden that the past 3 days.

Hooked up with part of the crew on the ride back then had to run out and find cell coverage for a 3:15 call. Out to grab beer then back in time to say farewell to Capers. More of the band goes home.

Dinner was Mandi's baked chicken which followed the theme of the week of awesome foods. Chilled out and we all crashed out just after 10. Kirt and Gozick leave this morning then Lou later. Great week but it's coming to an end.

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Saturday, July 11, 2015

This morning was about as lazy as it gets. We are all so deep in the hole that riding gets put on the ultra Wayback Machine. Kirt leaves before we get up. Then G. Then Lou. Then finally we roll after 11. At this point it is D & I, the Pearls, and Ironman Schilling. Speaking of Ironmen she keeps going:


Started with the Three Ts then hit Sidewinder again then Webs then up to Heavens Bench then a bunch more good trails to zip up the Greatest Hits tour. I know I'm repeating myself here but this is life. Photo op on the Bench Top.


After some lunch JP and I decide to climb up to the top of the ski hill. This was dumb yet awesome. I brought the monster bike because of the gears and the fact it doesn't sound like a shopping cart. There is ZERO chance I make this with Ted and the 1x10.

After the 2200 or so vertical we reach the top. Then we climb halfway up the fire tower and stop going because it's too high and neither of us can stand so well. It's crazy up here. The windmill is just surreal.

The video won't upload. Whatever.

We head down the DH trail which resembles cows trying to ice skate. Eventually we drop onto a less insane trail and things move along better. Eventually we get to the fast flowy stuff and all the pain is gone. Awesome riding ends the run down the hill.

We get out of Dodge and finish up the week here with 5 hours and 36 miles or something like that. We go home, shower up, and crush 49 pounds of pulled pork then clean up for tomorrow and our departure.

Amazing trip. We'll be back next year almost for certain.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sadly, the week is over. I am sitting here at my kitchen table about to wrap up the week. I am drinking 1 of the beers I brought home with me from Vermont. I have showered. The car is unpacked. I have ridden my bike and we have driven ~400 miles today going from Vermont to Stewart to home. With the traffic at the end it was around 7 hours driving, all told.

This week I rode 206+ miles, all on the mountain bike. Most of them in Vermont, some in New York. I would love to describe all the rides and the fun we had. But man, I am ready for bed. In the days to come I will try to recollect some of the fun we had. We did, by the way. We had a lot of fun. We had a blast. Fantastic trails, food, friends. A fantastic week. I'd go so far as to say it was marvelous. A word not bantered around enough, even by 30% gay @pooriggy

Woke up at 6:30 and packed up the house with D & the Pearls. We were all rolling before 8 and while they were off to a picnic we were off to Stewart to meet @UtahJoe and @gtluke to pre-ride the S45 course. Pulled into Darkhorse and they were having a shindig there. So we had a quick burger then rolled the trails for another 19 miles bike riding which popped me up over 200 for the week.

Rolled home, got sushi, smashed sushi, unpacked the car, drank a beer, had a shower. Now it is time to say goodnight to an awesome week. Right after this here beer.

Cool. Thanks. I guess that was pretty good stuff if you guys took that home instead of more Heady Topper.....unless you got so much of that or had your fill of it in Vermont.

I think it's more a matter of how much easier it was available near Kingdom Trails.
Oops. I should have cross-checked the "What beer are you drinking right now" thread before inquiring.
Monday, July 13, 2015

Back to the Mothership. I am both happy & sad to be home. I am happy because home is home, and no matter how much you have fun with your friends it's nice to be home. I love those guys but of course if we were forced to live in a house together forever we would all hate each other and rip @pooriggy's tongue out. I am sad because it was a great week. Leaving yesterday was a downer, and each time someone left I felt a little more of the magic drain away. On top of that, I already miss the trails. The trails are awesome. I cannot say enough how awesome it is to ride up there. @UtahJoe did a good job in his recap today.

Anyway, back to normal life as of last night. I woke up in the middle of the night to pee and my legs barely worked. I had to take a stutter step to not fall over. I managed not to crash to the floor but it was an effort to do that. When D woke up she said she was dreaming of going down the 3 Ts all night. Like I said, these trails, they are fantastic. They kind of stick on you like that.

This morning was standard chaos to get the kids to camp but like always we got it done. The race is now front & center so as soon as I dropped Simon off I went to Home Depot to grab some mini cones then went to see Kirt to give him some stuff from the trip. Then I went home to pay someone $541 to bring enclosed buckets for people to piss & shit in on race day. Then I went for a bike ride.

The plan was to leave around 11, ride for an hour and meet up with D at her work around noon. It took me a while to get ready to ride but I was out the door by 11:15. I thought the road bike was going to feel like a bunch of toothpicks glued together after the last 4 days on Gonzo, but surprisingly that wasn't the case. It felt surprisingly firm. I rolled out and pounded out like 9 watts for 45 minutes until I rolled up to D's work. She met me, we rode for an hour, then I dropped her off and topped it off for 3 hours rolling at an average speed of like 3 or 4 mph, roughly.


I am in this spot today where I don't have a contract yet but I am really tired. So I mixed the 2 and came up with a tremendously long recovery ride. I think this nailed it and I plan on doing more or less of the same tomorrow. Rolled home and wrote out a check for the crappers to drop in the mail. I had been waiting for them to mail me the invoice. Took that to the USPS and came home to do more clean up. I'm sure it'll take a week to clean up the combined camping trip to Wharton then team trip to Kingdom, especially with the race on deck right now.

Then started dinner, which will be the 3rd time I'm eating @pooriggy's wife's pulled pork plus some monster squash we pulled from the garden when we got home. It's the gift that keeps on giving. I wonder if we ripped out Iggy's tongue we could make pulled pork with it.

I'm really far behind addressing any thoughts or questions from the last 10 days so here goes nothing...

@rlb - pranks? I mean we joke around but we're all 20 years past drawing mustaches on people when they pass out. Of course, nobody drinks so much they pass out so that's not even an issue.

@stb222 - sorry to hear. I cannot fathom having to work with someone so dumb ever again.

@woody - I was specifically bummed to not have you there, being that we go way back. I supposed if you had been there we might have done something extra stupid which always makes for awesome memories & stories.

@soundz - 4 cans, 3 remain. I have verballed 1 to @jShort. If he goes to the race this weekend he gets it. Otherwise you can have it.

@moray42 - fair enough points w/r/t the date and the location. Duly noted and we'll keep that in mind for next time.

@fidodie - I think the most we had sleeping inside at any 1 time was maybe 14. Plenty of room, we were all comfortable. With the riding, people did seem to sleep well. I didn't hear 1 whispered complaint about snoring and the like. Incredibly coordination wasn't too much of a problem, likely because people were tired and mostly sedentary in the last 6 hours of the day.

@Arwen's Mom - yes I count calories every day. I only look at calories, nothing else. Once in a while I'll look at protein and wonder if I should be eating more. But usually I just look at calories in versus calories out. Also, have I changed? Maybe, I don't know. We are all changing as people I think. So sure, it would make sense.

I think that's it in terms of various comments I never replied to. Trust me I read & appreciate them all. Sometimes I just forget to reply.

So what am I doing now? Right now I am just riding my bike, going through the July routine and the Halter's competition, riding every day, sometimes twice a day. I am trying to get as many hours as I can this month. I am specifically not training. Am I trying to hang with @jimvreeland and @liong71er? Utah asked me that today and my reply to him was not really. I mean, I don't think I can. But what I am going to do is ride as much as my legs will give me. Is that going to be enough? Probably not. But at the pace I'm going I would end July with ~100 hours. This goes hand in hand with my desire to drop pounds so in the end, it helps get me where I want to be.

I want to learn to dirt jump better. This would make the KT trip even better. How does a 43 year old man learn this and not destroy the crap out of his Ted?

Wasn't heavy metal lance looking to part with his dirt jumper? Can't see you on a bike like that though.
Pump track over and over, plus is kids like it too...

You need to learn to bunnyhop properly. You can do that in your driveway. Learn to do it with flat pedals so you don't rely on the cleats.
I can help.
You dont need to learn how to dirt jump, much better served to do what Luke and Matty suggested. Riding pump tracks and riding some more flow style jumps is what helps with trails.
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