Things that make you smile :)

After driving home for 50 minutes with white knuckles and death grip on 78/287 I pulled into the driveway and saw this.

Another view from the red light 15 minutes later on the way to pickup my son from work

The last two pics are a better one from a few weeks ago.

It seems whenever it rains the storms slide from west to east by my house and then as the sun sets we are nearly guaranteed to see this every time.

Pics don’t show well how bright it was for both times.


Happy to spectate a Tuesday night cross series. Was regretting not registering once the racing started. @Carson couldn't resist swinging by since it was 5 minutes from his AirBnB.

Awesome having a cross race at a brewery where you can order drinks/food and hangout on picnic tables while the race is happening. Also hilarious seeing mustached hipsters who have been polishing their cowbells and staring at their jorts all year in anticipation.

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Investments in trails make me smile.

If anyone here has ridden in Old Fort (Kitsuma/Heartbreak Ridge), it was a possibility that the trails could get kind of crappy since Kitsbow went out of business and the two major trails are major commitment trails.

State is now dumping 2.5 million dollars into building new trails there. Should be helpful to revitalize the downtown and give more options for trails so there's more draw than a couple big name trails.

There's a trail they have to shutdown near my house to bikers in the summer as it's too popular with hikers. So they're now in the middle of a 300k trail build with professional builders to build a mtb specific trail in parallel so bikers have their own trail during the summer.
Investments in trails make me smile.

If anyone here has ridden in Old Fort (Kitsuma/Heartbreak Ridge), it was a possibility that the trails could get kind of crappy since Kitsbow went out of business and the two major trails are major commitment trails.

State is now dumping 2.5 million dollars into building new trails there. Should be helpful to revitalize the downtown and give more options for trails so there's more draw than a couple big name trails.

There's a trail they have to shutdown near my house to bikers in the summer as it's too popular with hikers. So they're now in the middle of a 300k trail build with professional builders to build a mtb specific trail in parallel so bikers have their own trail during the summer.

San-Lee has separate trails. And directional. Lots of people, limited conflicts. Something right is happening down there. (Might be up there to you)
They also had a gravity section and a pump track
San-Lee has separate trails. And directional. Lots of people, limited conflicts. Something right is happening down there. (Might be up there to you)
They also had a gravity section and a pump track
I can confirm all the trails here have gravity.

I don't think the closed trails to the bikers in the summer actually bothers anyone here. It makes it more special in the off months to hit them. But having new sustainable trails with biking in mind is pretty sweet.

Apparently the parts that are completed already will be rideable and opened with the seasonal opening of the old trail so we will get a preview before the spring finish.
Hard work paying off for my daughter. 1st in NJ in 13 girls expert and cruiser

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