2024 edition 31/31


2:06, Soupy Road. I dropped my car off for service and realized i had washed the pads in my helmet and didn't have them. I didn't have a route planned but also didn't plan to ride directly home. Took a semi direct route, put the pads in and decided just to do an easy flat route. Saw a small group of Newtown roadies so turned around and rode with them.
Clayton loops today. It’s not muddy I just sweated a lot. Careful out there, bit o horse poop.

Despite my plans to sleep in got woken up at 6:45 to the sound of mortar like fireworks going off somewhere in my neighborhood. 🤬
The real problem is my dog is terrified of them in general so I had to get out of bed and calm her and then she needed to go walk to do her business. At that point oh well I am
up anyway and time to go ride but I had to jump online for a quick work thing. Left at 10 back just after 11am.

Only minimum after yesterday my legs are surely tired and I am coming down with alight a case of Saur-ass so have to be careful I don’t end up with the next stage of SaddleSaur-ass 😜

At least I snagged another roadside tool find for the collection on the way back home from
The trail.

Headed out early since I had a MRI scheduled for 6:30am near Six Mile They could t get the magnet working 🙄. So i didn't get to trail head until after 8:30am. It was already steaming hot by then. I was sweating so bad my gloves were soaked....so I never took out the phone for a photo.
5/31. Rode with Rogers today and after a very brief shower it got real steamy. I also rode in Tour+ and the even switched down to Eco for a while….very happy that I can do that. To those who feel that you can’t gain fitness on an e-bike, I’ve ridden this bike exclusively since November and I’m in way better shape now. Considering that when I got the bike I would switch between Turbo and e-mtb because that’s all I had and look at me now!!!

I ❤️jdog
1058 miles
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