Biggest loser

Couple people started off using NOOM -

was it too much overhead? still using?
Still using. It's really pretty good. I did the 6 month deal and it has now expired. I learned all the lessons that I could and now just use their app to track weight and log calories. I'm down 24 lbs and hanging there since my surgery. I hope to be getting back to my activities soon. Rest and recovery has me staying stable weight wise at the moment.
7 Week Progress Report

Start: 208.3
Current: 192.2
Diff: 16.1
Last week: -1.6
Weekly: -5.9, -1.3, -1.6, -2.8, -1.8, -1.1, -1.6
Goal: Low 170s

Strange week - I wasn't really expecting to lose anything, and perhaps even gain a bit.
Superbowl Cheese-athon took some time to clear. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I was constantly up and down ladders
working in tight spaces where I couldn't stand, dealing with attic areas with no floor. My back would lock-up around 4pm,
so no trainer ride. Ultimately, the functional strength workouts paid-off after the last two trainer sessions with decent cardio.

Did extra snacking on leftovers this week too - not sure why I was so hungry. Was better yesterday.
The big drop from the last couple days was because I forgot to weigh myself before breakfast.
Still doing well in the alc control. Couple glasses of wine with dinner for the week so far.

Wanted to be at 190 at the end of Feb, so looks to be on-track.
The tracker says I was at 189.5 in Feb 2021 - shedding the year's damage is a solid start.

Weighed-in 29 days in a row, and 79 of 80 days since the start of the year! #gotData
Still following my program. Last weekend was a combo Wife's-b-day/super-bowl/Valentines, and while we didn't eat poorly, we did eat more. I think that's what my body needed - to know that calories were not scarce. Dropped a few pounds this week for sure, since my go-to pants now fall off!
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E2M program Round 1, Week 6, Day 6

Food was pretty much the same as last week with different fruit choices. 2 more weeks in the 8wk round and things are changing up a lot. I'm sticking to mostly Dry by only having beverages with cheat meals once a week. Resting H.R. is better than last week, sleep not better. Had a stressful week and didn't sleep as well. Range of motion with my thumb is getting better and allowing me to do more things. Saturday afternoon pre-gaming on the patio at the local, then a cheat meal this evening at a local Italian spot, Anthony's.

Didn't get as much activity as I wanted. Had a busy weekend last week, thumb physical therapy cut into some free time hours, and had a paint contractor working in the house all week. Got some spin bike time and plan to take advantage of working outside on Saturday with the good weather.

1/2/22 Starting weight = 235
2/12/22 Current weight = 211
Diff: weekly down 1, total lost = 24
Not surprised with the low weekly loss with the crappy sleep, stress, and less activity. Expecting some big change numbers next week with the weekly food change. Still sticking to my goal of 30lbs.

Wife had more activity than myself and was down 1lb, for 11lbs total in 6 weeks.
E2M program Round 1, Week 7, Day 6

Week 7 has been interesting with the meal plan. I.F. had me a little hungry when waking up, but guzzling a glass of water would hold me over. No fruit this week and limited veggies. Protein and fat choices stayed the same. No adult beverages except with cheat meal, which we've been doing on Saturdays. Heading to Tonewood to meet up with the riding buds. I realized this morning, haven't seen most of them since our Raystown trip in September. Cheat meal will be from a local Mexican place, Los Jalapenos Bar and Grill. Resting H.R. has dropped again this week and sleep is awesome.

Ramped it up a little more doing the plan circuit training M/W/F and spin bike intervals on T/Th and tomorrow. Taking it easy today as the legs are sore from yesterday's circuit. Already have 5+hrs of exercise for the week.

1/2/22 Starting weight = 235
2/19/22 Current weight = 208
Diff: weekly down 3, total lost = 27
Increased activity and the meal plan are working. The goal of 30lbs lost in 8wks is definitely looking obtainable.

My wife was down another pound, 12lbs total in 7wks. Have heard from my friend who is finishing Round 3 with his wife. Both of them have lost around 50lbs since September.

My wife and I are definitely doing another round of this plan. There is a week off between the start of the next round. If anyone is interested.
FB link:
Sign-ups open Thurs, Mar 3 and program plan starts Mon, Mar 7th. If you have any questions, we can discuss, DM me.
E2M program Round 1, Week 7, Day 6

Week 7 has been interesting with the meal plan. I.F. had me a little hungry when waking up, but guzzling a glass of water would hold me over. No fruit this week and limited veggies. Protein and fat choices stayed the same. No adult beverages except with cheat meal, which we've been doing on Saturdays. Heading to Tonewood to meet up with the riding buds. I realized this morning, haven't seen most of them since our Raystown trip in September. Cheat meal will be from a local Mexican place, Los Jalapenos Bar and Grill. Resting H.R. has dropped again this week and sleep is awesome.

Ramped it up a little more doing the plan circuit training M/W/F and spin bike intervals on T/Th and tomorrow. Taking it easy today as the legs are sore from yesterday's circuit. Already have 5+hrs of exercise for the week.

1/2/22 Starting weight = 235
2/19/22 Current weight = 208
Diff: weekly down 3, total lost = 27
Increased activity and the meal plan are working. The goal of 30lbs lost in 8wks is definitely looking obtainable.

My wife was down another pound, 12lbs total in 7wks. Have heard from my friend who is finishing Round 3 with his wife. Both of them have lost around 50lbs since September.

My wife and I are definitely doing another round of this plan. There is a week off between the start of the next round. If anyone is interested.
FB link:
Sign-ups open Thurs, Mar 3 and program plan starts Mon, Mar 7th. If you have any questions, we can discuss, DM me.

Just like when I race, I'm getting lapped!!!

Fantastic. Both of you.
E2M program Round 1, Week 7, Day 6

Week 7 has been interesting with the meal plan. I.F. had me a little hungry when waking up, but guzzling a glass of water would hold me over. No fruit this week and limited veggies. Protein and fat choices stayed the same. No adult beverages except with cheat meal, which we've been doing on Saturdays. Heading to Tonewood to meet up with the riding buds. I realized this morning, haven't seen most of them since our Raystown trip in September. Cheat meal will be from a local Mexican place, Los Jalapenos Bar and Grill. Resting H.R. has dropped again this week and sleep is awesome.

Ramped it up a little more doing the plan circuit training M/W/F and spin bike intervals on T/Th and tomorrow. Taking it easy today as the legs are sore from yesterday's circuit. Already have 5+hrs of exercise for the week.

1/2/22 Starting weight = 235
2/19/22 Current weight = 208
Diff: weekly down 3, total lost = 27
Increased activity and the meal plan are working. The goal of 30lbs lost in 8wks is definitely looking obtainable.

My wife was down another pound, 12lbs total in 7wks. Have heard from my friend who is finishing Round 3 with his wife. Both of them have lost around 50lbs since September.

My wife and I are definitely doing another round of this plan. There is a week off between the start of the next round. If anyone is interested.
FB link:
Sign-ups open Thurs, Mar 3 and program plan starts Mon, Mar 7th. If you have any questions, we can discuss, DM me.
That’s awesome. Clothes must all be falling off.

-2lb this week
-17lb since 12/29

same as last week, except a stupid fall on ice at 6MR put my left thumb and right wrist on the pain train since last Sunday AM. I think I may have foolishly held onto the bars a few milliseconds too long, and jammed em both. Ice happens fast for sure.

took a few days off the bike to cry and such. Little things, like zippers, and opening up a yogurt or a cereal bar, still non-starters. WAAAAAH.

Managed to stil hit the 18X target on the scale, somehow didn't eat my way into a gain. Hoo-f'in RAH. I'll call it a painful win. I'm stickin' with it.

bunch of other life scheduled for happnin this week; I hope the weight loss trend corntinues. I will try to ramp the activity again when time permits.

stay the course !!!! spring is right around the corner. we all need to showoff the 12pack abs.

View attachment 178718

188lb -0 since last week
I think I hit critical mass. I suck, I gotta lose at least another 10 before Aprilia.
Shit’s gettin real, no cheesesteaks or fettuccine Alfredo. What to do?
Monday weigh in
Start 1/1 200.1
1/23 184.4
1/31 181.8
2/7 179
2/14 175.8

Today 174.2

This week's loss 1.6 lbs

Total loss 25.9 lbs

This week's focus was way more on muscle gain than on weight loss. I Got 2 rowing, 1 bike trainer, and 4 lifting sessions in this week as well as a hike and some time hitting the heavy bag. I kept it moving all week with a ton of walking hitting 91.5k steps topping last weeks 79k. Before going out to dinner last night i went to the auxiliary closet and pulled out a real nice spyder jacket I thought I would never fit into again, tried it on and it fits great i was totaly amazed! Kinda crazy that It took me a week of reading this thread just to talk myself Into doing this with all of you! Keep it up. Had to add a graph because all the cool kids were doing it ...
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This was a big week. I was up a bit, but managed to stay down. Finally down below 240#. Almost 15# total, not over the last year, just from Jan 16.

My reduced eating drew some attention from friends. Wanted to make sure I was OK. Said I was fine, hard to eat like a bird, then hit it like a horse. 46 days till the big day and she makes me an honest man.

Monday update:
Start 1/3: 206.4
Today: 179.8
Progress: -26.6
Since last week: -2.0

For me this week was all about survivial. After having my vasectomy surgery on Monday, I had to lay low and rest a bit for a few days and then gradually get myself back to being active. I did it mostly in the form of walking/hiking. I went from a casual limp around my block, to a little bit of a hike, then to hiking with the family and getting back in the saddle on the trainer the past 2 days. I've been easing into it to monitor pain and swelling and all is good so far. Today is day 7 post surgery and I'm going to give it a shot getting back outside to ride. The trainer has been successful so I'll hit the road today and see how that goes. Diet has been good and I've been having an extra beer(1 per day-2 per week max) here or there but no extra snacks. I'm realizing that was one of the worst parts of my diet. I would do ok during the day but then I'd have 2 or 3 beers each day with a bunch of snacks while in my beer drinking haze.

As far as my goal is concerned, I'm keeping this going. I originally wanted 180 by March 15th. Goal, CHECK! The new goal is 170 by spring break which is April 9th. That's almost 7 weeks. I got this.

Since you guys like graphs:
Monday update:
Start 1/3: 206.4
Today: 179.8
Progress: -26.6
Since last week: -2.0

For me this week was all about survivial. After having my vasectomy surgery on Monday, I had to lay low and rest a bit for a few days and then gradually get myself back to being active. I did it mostly in the form of walking/hiking. I went from a casual limp around my block, to a little bit of a hike, then to hiking with the family and getting back in the saddle on the trainer the past 2 days. I've been easing into it to monitor pain and swelling and all is good so far. Today is day 7 post surgery and I'm going to give it a shot getting back outside to ride. The trainer has been successful so I'll hit the road today and see how that goes. Diet has been good and I've been having an extra beer(1 per day-2 per week max) here or there but no extra snacks. I'm realizing that was one of the worst parts of my diet. I would do ok during the day but then I'd have 2 or 3 beers each day with a bunch of snacks while in my beer drinking haze.

As far as my goal is concerned, I'm keeping this going. I originally wanted 180 by March 15th. Goal, CHECK! The new goal is 170 by spring break which is April 9th. That's almost 7 weeks. I got this.

Since you guys like graphs:
View attachment 179227
What a beautiful looking graph!
E2M program Round 1, Week 7, Day 6

Week 7 has been interesting with the meal plan. I.F. had me a little hungry when waking up, but guzzling a glass of water would hold me over. No fruit this week and limited veggies. Protein and fat choices stayed the same. No adult beverages except with cheat meal, which we've been doing on Saturdays. Heading to Tonewood to meet up with the riding buds. I realized this morning, haven't seen most of them since our Raystown trip in September. Cheat meal will be from a local Mexican place, Los Jalapenos Bar and Grill. Resting H.R. has dropped again this week and sleep is awesome.

Ramped it up a little more doing the plan circuit training M/W/F and spin bike intervals on T/Th and tomorrow. Taking it easy today as the legs are sore from yesterday's circuit. Already have 5+hrs of exercise for the week.

1/2/22 Starting weight = 235
2/19/22 Current weight = 208
Diff: weekly down 3, total lost = 27
Increased activity and the meal plan are working. The goal of 30lbs lost in 8wks is definitely looking obtainable.

My wife was down another pound, 12lbs total in 7wks. Have heard from my friend who is finishing Round 3 with his wife. Both of them have lost around 50lbs since September.

My wife and I are definitely doing another round of this plan. There is a week off between the start of the next round. If anyone is interested.
FB link:
Sign-ups open Thurs, Mar 3 and program plan starts Mon, Mar 7th. If you have any questions, we can discuss, DM me.
great work! Man that must feel great!
86.0 kg. Running out of Key Lime 🥧 #3 helped a bit. Skipping meals and riding more helps a bit more.

Though I started off @ 198#, that was on the old, politically correct scale, which was fully depreciated. The delta, as indicated above, was 4#, so I am actually down by 12# of eggnog.

If I can drop 5 more #, I will be ecstatic and irritable. Somebody start, like a GoFundMe page, for some new steez.

Danberry Cemetary IMG_20161012_123228.jpg
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Holy shit. I hiked and biked yesterday. 2 hours hiking/doing TM and then 90 mins on the bike. I guess my body didn’t like being more sedentary the last few days. I lost 2.6 lbs overnight. 177.2 this morning. 7.2 until my goal! Of course this means I’ll probably gain some tonight…
86.0 kg. Running out of Key Lime 🥧 #3 helped a bit. Skipping meals and riding more helps a bit more.

Though I started off @ 198#, that was on the old, politically correct scale, which was fully depreciated. The delta, as indicated above, was 4#, so I am actually down by 12# of eggnog.

If I can drop 5 more #, I will be ecstatic and irritable. Somebody start, like a GoFundMe page, for some new steez.

View attachment 179317
with that outfit cant tell if youre a retired ice hockey player or you raided the clearance bin at REI.

Holy shit. I hiked and biked yesterday. 2 hours hiking/doing TM and then 90 mins on the bike. I guess my body didn’t like being more sedentary the last few days. I lost 2.6 lbs overnight. 177.2 this morning. 7.2 until my goal! Of course this means I’ll probably gain some tonight…
Yup. Nailed it. Went back up to 178.6. My body just wanted to tease me it seems. That’s ok as it falls more closely with what my typical loss has been. I’ll be more active today and tomorrow so I expect to see 177 again by Friday. Yesterdays walk around the block wasn’t good for weightloss but I’d bet my balls enjoyed the day off of the bike seat.
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