Biggest loser

LOL. You wrestled in HS? I spent many an afternoon in a sauna wearing a garbage bag and spitting in a gatorade bottle. o_O

Hell no. I was a beer guzzling gear head after freshman year.
Couple of my friends did. Gave me a chuckle.
They had a state champion for a coach, so they were all-in.
Oh. Uh okay I didn’t either. I just liked hanging out in saunas wearing garbage bags. 😶

Nothing to see here. 😂
No sauna here just Garbage bags than get inside of the rolled up wrestling mat in the cafateria for awhile lol but I only wrestled for a year after breaking my leg and missing ice hockey tryouts that year.
Won't be shocked whatsoever if I'm back at 190 on tomorrow's weigh in. Poutine and all sorts of garbage with limited actual working out was a recipe for disaster. Always knew that vacation was going to be a challenge...did OK...not drinking helps but the French Canadians have some excellent pastries up there.
How many Beaver Tails did you eat?
Won't be shocked whatsoever if I'm back at 190 on tomorrow's weigh in. Poutine and all sorts of garbage with limited actual working out was a recipe for disaster. Always knew that vacation was going to be a challenge...did OK...not drinking helps but the French Canadians have some excellent pastries up there.
Would think all the riding would cancel the eating out.
Thanks and you got to start somewhere, keep it up! I will say other than diet the single biggest thing that has made a huge difference for me is walking as often as possible. Instead of sitting and dicking around on my phone during my down time I just try and get a ton of steps in every day. My February step count is at 317k right now.
I can totally agree with this. Having the dog since 2018 I can say I am 100% certain that walking her 2-3 times a day for about a mile
Each time contributes to my general baseline of fitness and weight management. Before I had the dog I never walked anywhere except to the fridge after a ride for a beer.

Last year was the first time I tracked 95% of the dog walks on strava and I racked up just over 260 miles and went through 2 pairs of walking/hiking sneakers in one calendar year.

Walk efforts vary depending on weather and riding schedule. but it’s great for off days when I am Too sore to ride or need a rest day from fatigue just to stay active.
3/2 Starting weight 178, current weight 178
I haven't checked in for awhile mainly because I am stopped weighing myself because it wasn't a source of motivation for me (previous to this I probably weighed myself twice a year). A mild covid case tripped my core workouts up for a couple weeks but I am back at it now. I have noticed that I have been gaining some muscle mass in my upper quad / hip area as a result of the core work and probably from the muscles loosening up a bit and allowing some growth. Not sure if my weight staying the same is partially offset my that muscle gain (i know that is the common excuse). In any case, any lower back strain i was having last year while riding is mostly gone and me seated power on the road bike seems to be back. Been averaging about 10 hours a week on the bike.
I went up a bit twice this week so far. Still hanging in the 175/176 area. I hate off days now as I know the scale is going up, but I need the rest too. I expect to go up a little after this weekend as I will surely need to eat with a lot of mileage planned. I’m looking forward to a proper post race meal Saturday night(without counting calories - and maybe ice cream).
When was the last time you adjusted your calories/ran your TDEE? Unfortunately the lighter you are the less you get to eat lol.
I’ve been running on 1300 calories per day and haven’t really messed with it since that’s so low. I don’t really feel like I need more if I eat the right things.
I’ve been running on 1300 calories per day and haven’t really messed with it since that’s so low. I don’t really feel like I need more if I eat the right things.
can you give me a sample day, with portions? That just doesn't leave a lot of room for Ben and Jerry's
I’ve been running on 1300 calories per day and haven’t really messed with it since that’s so low. I don’t really feel like I need more if I eat the right things.

That is crazy low !
You doing vitamins? Any extra protein (or is everything you eat protein) ?
Since January 1st I've been at an 1810 daily calorie limit. Seems low, but then add exercise calories and it is easily manageable without feeling hungry.
That is crazy low !
You doing vitamins? Any extra protein (or is everything you eat protein) ?
I tried that number early on just to see if I could manage it and it really has stuck. I can see raising it a bit from there as activity increases but I'm really not working out for that long(1-2hrs) so it's really not necessary. I'm getting a decent amount of protein as everything really is protein or veggies. No supplements.

Sample day
Chicken Thighs(2) with mixed veggies and/or salad
Afternoon Snack:
Cheddar ride cake and an apple
Fish/chicken/steak of some sort, and then a big helping of veggies.
After dinner:
1/2 glass of milk with a small piece of chocolate( <100 cal) or chocolate teddy grahams(~75 cal).

That's really it. Every now and then I will have a good double or triple IPA with that, but that's really it. I haven't had many carbs which I will use mostly for training/racing. I'll see this weekend with these events I'm doing, how the lack of carbs will workout. I could be absolutely crushed 2 hours in or not. I plan to eat more carbs before/during/after the races to help with energy, but I'm not really going in with the mindset of optimal performance. I want a good long ride and workout. That's the main goal.
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Vacation starts tomorrow morning !

2 weeks of warm weather

Taking it as a challenge to come back lighter than when I left.
perhaps i can bike across florida?
That is crazy low !
You doing vitamins? Any extra protein (or is everything you eat protein) ?
FWIW, just did a quick calculation based on what I've had to eat, or plan to eat today, and I'm just shy of 1,400 cal. 3 meals in the I.F. window of 10:30a-6:30p. Hydration is at least 1 gal of water daily. Doesn't make sense when that weighs 8.3453 lbs/gal. Black coffee or tea is allowed, but doesn't count for daily count. Lean protein, vegetables, a fruit, and a fat with each meal. Not specifying the quantity of each, but it's generous and not restrictive. No dairy, sugar, grains or alcohol. Multi-vitamin, glucosamine and apple cider vinegar tablets are supplements I chose to take, but not required on the plan.
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FWIW, just did a quick calculation based on what I've had to eat, or plan to eat today, and I'm just shy of 1,400 cal. 3 meals in the I.F. window of 10:30a-6:30p. Hydration is at least 1 gal of water daily. Doesn't make sense when that weights 8.3453 lbs/gal. Black coffee or tea is allowed, but doesn't count for daily count. Lean protein, vegetables, a fruit, and a fat with each meal. Not specifying the quantity of each, but it's generous and not restrictive. No dairy, sugar, grains or alcohol. Multi-vitamin, glucosamine and apple cider vinegar tablets are supplements I chose to take, but not required on the plan.
I think most of us don't realize that few calories are really needed to keep us going each day. 2000 for a person is just a general number that is given out. Try playing around with intake and see how you feel. My number is low but I am satisfied at each meal since I eat lots of salad or veggies that help fill me up. I have cravings for other things but I ignore them. I did give in and have some gummy bears yesterday. They were sooo good! And my daily calorie count was adjusted for that treat.
I think the cleanse* thing I did way back was around 1200/day and my weight dropped quickly, but I was unable to function!

It did break all the cravings tho - just like dry january did for booze. I can also walk right by a plate of cookies now.
We don't keep ice cream in the house - well, I should say we don't buy ice cream - cause keeping it in the house is not a thing.

I suspect I'm up around 1,800 cals - english muffin with almond butter, snack bars during the day, salad with a protein and veggies for dinner.
Not avoiding carbs, but not overdoing it either (i'm having pizza for lunch today)

Given I was having 2-3 of the monster IPAs every night, that cut 1,000/day easy! The near beer is 30-50 cals, and I don't have one every night.
There is a ghirardelli cho square that needs to be eaten before we leave!

One of these days I need to total up the group loss!
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