Biggest loser

Last Wednesday Weigh In before the "Alaskan Wilderness Race Diet."

I was pretty stressed all week so my weight stayed flat at 13%. Hopefully the course is faster than predicted or I'll be without food for a day or 2 here and there.

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Milestone update!

Start: 206.4
Today: 176.2
Progress: -30.2
Since last week: -5.6

I’ve been snacking a touch more and having an extra beer here and there and the progress is still good! I plan on sticking with it!
Milestone update!

Start: 206.4
Today: 176.2
Progress: -30.2
Since last week: -5.6

I’ve been snacking a touch more and having an extra beer here and there and the progress is still good! I plan on sticking with it!
Nice job, I'm not snacking and 2 beers on Sat, and activity level is high. Hope to see a 3lb drop tomorrow morning to get to my 30lb goal.
I plateaued for like 10-days, but felt incrementally stronger and clothes became looser. Now I'm down 2lbs this week and right on track for my 3/29 goal. Tomorrow is a high mileage hiking day, then I may restart my morning ride plan in a week or so...
E2M program Round 1, Week 7, Day 6

Week 7 has been interesting with the meal plan. I.F. had me a little hungry when waking up, but guzzling a glass of water would hold me over. No fruit this week and limited veggies. Protein and fat choices stayed the same. No adult beverages except with cheat meal, which we've been doing on Saturdays. Heading to Tonewood to meet up with the riding buds. I realized this morning, haven't seen most of them since our Raystown trip in September. Cheat meal will be from a local Mexican place, Los Jalapenos Bar and Grill. Resting H.R. has dropped again this week and sleep is awesome.

Ramped it up a little more doing the plan circuit training M/W/F and spin bike intervals on T/Th and tomorrow. Taking it easy today as the legs are sore from yesterday's circuit. Already have 5+hrs of exercise for the week.

1/2/22 Starting weight = 235
2/19/22 Current weight = 208
Diff: weekly down 3, total lost = 27
Increased activity and the meal plan are working. The goal of 30lbs lost in 8wks is definitely looking obtainable.

My wife was down another pound, 12lbs total in 7wks. Have heard from my friend who is finishing Round 3 with his wife. Both of them have lost around 50lbs since September.

My wife and I are definitely doing another round of this plan. There is a week off between the start of the next round. If anyone is interested.
FB link:
Sign-ups open Thurs, Mar 3 and program plan starts Mon, Mar 7th. If you have any questions, we can discuss, DM me.
E2M program Round 1, Week 8, Day 6

Final week of the first round has been pretty much the same as week 7. Stayed on point with the meal plan. However, Thursday morning I woke up really hungry. Drank 32oz of water before doing the spin bike session and that helped, sort of. Felt loopy after, and probably drank another 32oz before leaving for work. The program head coach has mentioned that if you feel like you need to eat, have some fruit. I took a cup of blueberries with me just in case. Meal #1 is usually at 10:30 and I've already been up since 4am. I couldn't take it any more, so BB were gone at 8:30am, which held me over. Heading to Cape May this afternoon to stroll and then a cheat meal at The Ugly Mug, which will be lobster roll, FF and a beer. Been dealing with some sinus congestion this week and sleep hasn't been bad, just not great. Resting H.R. was a few ticks up from last week when I was feeling good. Next week is an "off" week between Rnd1 and Rnd 2. We're allowed to pick any weekly meal plan from the 8wks and 2 cheat meals are allowed. Wife and I have already picked the plan and will be taking advantage of the added cheat meal.

Did the plan circuits again M/W/F and spin bike workouts T/Th. Jumping on the bike as soon I'm done typing. Overall I'll be at 7+hrs of activity this week. I'm done with this rollercoaster weather we've been having and ready to get outside more. My thumb is feeling better and may test it with a ride outside next week

Adding the decimal place this week as I was just rounding before.
1/2/22 Starting weight = 235.4
2/26/22 Current weight = 206.2
Diff: weekly down 1.8, total lost = 29.2
Original goal was just to drop 2lbs a week for 16lbs total. After losing that much in 4wks, raised the goal to 30lbs. Well I almost got there and definitely happy with it. I've haven't been this low in a long time. I've always had a hard time losing weight, no matter what I did. Dry January and the I.F. meal plan worked great. Been at Clydesdale weight since I graduated college in '90, and racing the mtb at 220-240lb range since '08. Looking forward to seeing the riding/racing gains with the weight loss.

My wife is down 2lbs this week, for a total loss of 14lbs. Her goal was originally 10lbs and adjusted to 15lbs after week 4.

As I've mentioned in previous posts, we're going to do another 8wk round of this plan. It is a fitness and meal plan that will provide rapid weight loss, then once you reach your goal, it's all maintenance to stay there.
FB link:
Sign-ups open Thurs, Mar 3 and program plan starts Mon, Mar 7th. If you have any questions, we can discuss, DM me.
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8 Week Progress Report

Start: 208.3
Current: 191.4
Diff: 16.9
Last week: -0.8
Weekly: -5.9, -1.3, -1.6, -2.8, -1.8, -1.1, -1.6. -0.8
Goal: Low 170s

Weird week. Did a 2+ hour at RV last Sunday which resulted in being hungry for 2 days!
Tried to keep it under control without much success. Will be switching out snack bars to something with less sugar.
Hoping that helps the bounce. Still crushing the water all day long.
Split 1 beer with the wife on Wednesday, and had a glass of wine on Thursday with dinner,
so weekday consumption was up! but comparatively low to last year's standard.....

Got a few good trainer rides in. Morning and evening, depending on the day.
Feeling a little life come back into the legs. Still no urge to suffer the high HR stuff.
I participated in a zoom meeting from the trainer - Didn't have to talk, so that was awesome.
My BP is a disaster on the home cuff. Hoping another 10lbs helps.

I could starve myself for two days to break 190 for 3/1, but not hopeful (or willing)
1lb/wk for the next 18 or so!!!

I'm heading to PSL, Florida next Friday - bringing my running shoes. Hopefully they have some trails since I don't have road trainers anymore.
Just trail minimalists and VFFs.
Or I'll just run around the Mets spring training facility since nobody is there.
The back end of the vacation is over in Clearwater, so i'll get some time on the hipster bike (jamis beatnik.)

8 Week Progress Report

Start: 208.3
Current: 191.4
Diff: 16.9
Last week: -0.8
Weekly: -5.9, -1.3, -1.6, -2.8, -1.8, -1.1, -1.6. -0.8
Goal: Low 170s

Weird week. Did a 2+ hour at RV last Sunday which resulted in being hungry for 2 days!
Tried to keep it under control without much success. Will be switching out snack bars to something with less sugar.
Hoping that helps the bounce. Still crushing the water all day long.
Split 1 beer with the wife on Wednesday, and had a glass of wine on Thursday with dinner,
so weekday consumption was up! but comparatively low to last year's standard.....

Got a few good trainer rides in. Morning and evening, depending on the day.
Feeling a little life come back into the legs. Still no urge to suffer the high HR stuff.
I participated in a zoom meeting from the trainer - Didn't have to talk, so that was awesome.
My BP is a disaster on the home cuff. Hoping another 10lbs helps.

I could starve myself for two days to break 190 for 3/1, but not hopeful (or willing)
1lb/wk for the next 18 or so!!!

I'm heading to PSL, Florida next Friday - bringing my running shoes. Hopefully they have some trails since I don't have road trainers anymore.
Just trail minimalists and VFFs.
Or I'll just run around the Mets spring training facility since nobody is there.
The back end of the vacation is over in Clearwater, so i'll get some time on the hipster bike (jamis beatnik.)

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Keep it up. There are trails at Savannas Preserve S.P. from SE Walton Rd entrance by PSL high school. Wife and I wandered around in there. In-laws live nearby.

Shucker's on the ocean in Jensen Beach has nice beachfront dining.

Brewery in PSL.

And a good one in Ft. Pierce.
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8 Week Progress Report

Start: 208.3
Current: 191.4
Diff: 16.9
Last week: -0.8
Weekly: -5.9, -1.3, -1.6, -2.8, -1.8, -1.1, -1.6. -0.8
Goal: Low 170s

Weird week. Did a 2+ hour at RV last Sunday which resulted in being hungry for 2 days!
Tried to keep it under control without much success. Will be switching out snack bars to something with less sugar.
Hoping that helps the bounce. Still crushing the water all day long.
Split 1 beer with the wife on Wednesday, and had a glass of wine on Thursday with dinner,
so weekday consumption was up! but comparatively low to last year's standard.....

Got a few good trainer rides in. Morning and evening, depending on the day.
Feeling a little life come back into the legs. Still no urge to suffer the high HR stuff.
I participated in a zoom meeting from the trainer - Didn't have to talk, so that was awesome.
My BP is a disaster on the home cuff. Hoping another 10lbs helps.

I could starve myself for two days to break 190 for 3/1, but not hopeful (or willing)
1lb/wk for the next 18 or so!!!

I'm heading to PSL, Florida next Friday - bringing my running shoes. Hopefully they have some trails since I don't have road trainers anymore.
Just trail minimalists and VFFs.
Or I'll just run around the Mets spring training facility since nobody is there.
The back end of the vacation is over in Clearwater, so i'll get some time on the hipster bike (jamis beatnik.)

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As much as reaching the numbers goal is rewarding you know you will pay the price for getting to it by any means necessary later on. Just stick to the plan and when you’re down south do intervals while walking and change your pace. You will be surprised how this can help at least maintain even if you’re not riding. The first time I did a walk with the dog that was like 4 miles and did some of that I was beat.

Enjoy the sunshine state and having dinner at 3pm. 🤪
Movement is key like the others have said. For me the activity doesn’t seem to matter, but the more I’m active during the day, the more the scale appreciates it the next day.

I had a really good eating day despite being tempted everywhere, but I wasn’t very active. I did a trainer workout but the rest of the day I was traveling to queens and then trapped at a 1 yr old birthday party. Same weight today as yesterday. It counts as a huge win that I didn’t eat ANY of the cake or treats afterwards. I had a clementine. I’m such a tool…
2/27 Weigh in still stuck on 188. Suck continues. Gonna try wakey bakey pedal pedal pedal. Start the day with a happy attitude.

Prolly shouldn’a housed all that Sono Sushi last night. YOLO.

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Monday weigh in
Start 1/1 200.1
1/23 184.4
1/31 181.8
2/7 179
2/14 175.8
2/21 174.2

Today 173

This week's loss 1.2 lbs

Total loss 27.1 lbs

By design my weight is coming off slower now. I increased my calorie Intake and shifted most of my focus to muscle gain. Still possibly looking to lose another 6 percent body fat but need to make sure I have enough food Intake to fuel growth from all the lifting I've been doing. Can fit into anything in my drawers or closets at this point so life is good 👍 insert graph here ...

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Monday weigh in
Start 1/1 200.1
1/23 184.4
1/31 181.8
2/7 179
2/14 175.8
2/21 174.2

Today 173

This week's loss 1.2 lbs

Total loss 27.1 lbs

By design my weight is coming off slower now. I increased my calorie Intake and shifted most of my focus to muscle gain. Still possibly looking to loose another 6 percent body fat but need to make sure I have enough food Intake to fuel growth from all the lifting I've been doing. Can fit into anything in my drawers or closets at this point so life is good 👍 insert graph here ...

View attachment 179759
that's great man, good for you. I'm down 2 pounds, but the weight is going to start to fly off now!
that's great man, good for you. I'm down 2 pounds, but the weight is going to start to fly off now!
Thanks and you got to start somewhere, keep it up! I will say other than diet the single biggest thing that has made a huge difference for me is walking as often as possible. Instead of sitting and dicking around on my phone during my down time I just try and get a ton of steps in every day. My February step count is at 317k right now.
Thanks and you got to start somewhere, keep it up! I will say other than diet the single biggest thing that has made a huge difference for me is walking as often as possible. Instead of sitting and dicking around on my phone during my down time I just try and get a ton of steps in every day. My February step count is at 317k right now.

walked to the store and do some other errands yesterday.
Starting weight 216 lbs. (12/30)
Fighting weight 195 lbs (4/1)

210 today… no change since 2/15. Its a damn miracle considering I drank 16 IPAs this past week (I was counting) and only hit the gym once. I did manage 3 solid days of snowboarding and didn’t eat much lunch.

Today starts dry March and the return of intermittent fasting. Going to ramp up my cycling workouts as well to get ready for Spring.
Progress update:

Start: 206.4
Today 175.0
Progress: -31.4

I’m fitting into shit in my closet I’d hoped to get back into one day. Some shopping will definitely need to be done soon. I’m still eyeing up my suit from my wedding in 2013 when I was 163 I think. I’ve got some more work to do to get into that thing. Diet and exercise has been steady every day. I’ve got a race/riding weekend coming up that will require me to eat more and spend more energy so I’m curious as to how the body will react to this. I’m expecting 9-10 hours in the saddle combined over the two days. I’m hoping it goes well. 🤞
8.3 Week Milestone (sortof) Report

Starting weight: 208.3

Weighed in yesterday after breakfast and saw low 191.x - :hmm:
I usually wake-up and weigh-in immediately, so this was intriguing.

In an effort to appease my need for making the 190 goal for 3/1, this morning upon arising
I had a few sips of coffee, and waited until after "reading time" to check the scale.

Saw it flash 189.9, but it settled on.......


Was tempted to do the HS wrestling thing, and spit in the toilet for 10 minutes.....but nah.

Not bad considering no cardio the last two days. I've been up-n-down ladders, and crawling around in tight places again.
My back is rebelling and my legs are screaming! Even have the rower set-up now - maybe later, but not promising as I'll be down in Tom's River
officiating an indoor track meet starting around 4pm. @Captain Brainstorm, you at the Bennett Center today with the kid?

Looks like running around Florida is now a thing!
Wake up temps in the low 60s, so there ya go.
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