Biggest loser

I think most of us don't realize that few calories are really needed to keep us going each day. 2000 for a person is just a general number that is given out. Try playing around with intake and see how you feel. My number is low but I am satisfied at each meal since I eat lots of salad or veggies that help fill me up. I have cravings for other things but I ignore them. I did give in and have some gummy bears yesterday. They were sooo good! And my daily calorie count was adjusted for that treat.
I agree. For reference, from my Garmin Vivoactive 4 watch, yesterday's Calorie Details.
Active: 800
Resting: 2,113
Total: 2,913
I'm already at 1,477 total burned so far for today. So it makes sense taking in 1200-1500cal daily and burning 2913 will result in weight loss. My energy levels are fine and workouts are 60-90min daily. Not sure how I'm going to handle XC or 4hr+ endurance races yet.

Prior to this fitness plan, I wasn't eating terrible, but it wasn't great. Meals were healthy but portions were off, snacking was excessive and I do like a good DIPA or 2 or 3, a few nights a week. The first 8wks went way better than expected. This is an off week, but sticking to the plan following the meals and workouts from Wk2. Starting another 8wks on Monday. Once I get to my fitness goal/weight, a maintenance plan is implemented. My unofficial goal is 185lbs, which would put me down 50lbs since 1/2/22.
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Vacation starts tomorrow morning !

2 weeks of warm weather

Taking it as a challenge to come back lighter than when I left.
perhaps i can bike across florida?
Good luck, I'm heading to Florida on Tuesday for a few days of golf and some work. I will be there and South Carolina until the 16th or 17th. I am planning on working out every day and just eating 3 meals, no snacks or anything. I think it will show on the scale.
Vacation starts tomorrow morning !

2 weeks of warm weather

Taking it as a challenge to come back lighter than when I left.
perhaps i can bike across florida?
This looks like the shortest distance according to my limited map skills.


Well that explains the 30 lbs of weight loss. I'll keep my thoughts to myself on that amount of calories lol.
I know what you’re getting at and that’s not a forever number. It does feel good to be eating as much as I’ve been typically drinking most nights. For now it’s good and expect that number to go up as intensity and duration increase in my workouts.
I tried that number early on just to see if I could manage it and it really has stuck. I can see raising it a bit from there as activity increases but I'm really not working out for that long(1-2hrs) so it's really not necessary. I'm getting a decent amount of protein as everything really is protein or veggies. No supplements.

Sample day
Chicken Thighs(2) with mixed veggies and/or salad
Afternoon Snack:
Cheddar ride cake and an apple
Fish/chicken/steak of some sort, and then a big helping of veggies.
After dinner:
1/2 glass of milk with a small piece of chocolate( <100 cal) or chocolate teddy grahams(~75 cal).

That's really it. Every now and then I will have a good double or triple IPA with that, but that's really it. I haven't had many carbs which I will use mostly for training/racing. I'll see this weekend with these events I'm doing, how the lack of carbs will workout. I could be absolutely crushed 2 hours in or not. I plan to eat more carbs before/during/after the races to help with energy, but I'm not really going in with the mindset of optimal performance. I want a good long ride and workout. That's the main goal.

If I ate like this by 9:05 pm I’d be crushing a bag of hint of lime chips and a block of Wisconsin Cheeseman Xtra sharp chedds. Oh , wait…..
I was down to 205, then I spent the last week working in the Buffalo area. I brought my xc skis and booked hotels with gyms but all I achieved was consuming my body weight in wings and beer. Gonna stay away from the scale for a week.
This. Me.
So I hit my new challenge point. I hit my weight goal and bounced. I have not reverted back fully but have included back some old ways more than I should. I missed a week on the trainer....probably because I got tired of limited riding outside. I did come back on that OK this week. I ate more and worse than I should....and I enjoyed it admittedly. I'm OK with some of that but not all of it. I did take on some new goals which I knew better than to take on with the initial food/weight/excersise push. Everything is making progress but I'm at my new cross road as in don't let my good gains evaporate and just begin a yo-yo. I gained back 2 lbs. I'm not upset with that but I am now struggling a little with sustainability which I knew was coming. Im still positive but acknowledge the ease of going back to old ways.

175lbs start
160lbs achieved
162lbs current
Riding goal of 7 hrs per week was met for 1 1/2 months and is more like 4-5 now and last week was zero hence the 2lbs.

Continued and new goals
- reasonable sustainability with weight between 160 and 163 as a max.
- Pick better food options - really good progress so far
- New - quit picking at my fingernails as a terrible and embarrassing nervous habit (currently successful)
- New -limit drinking to 1 day per week (in progress....good initial results but this is a big challenge)
First night of vacation was a success.
Drank 3 beers in a night for the first time this year. I feel like I'm going too exploded.
Luckily no scale, but the neighborhood is joggable. Damn.
How'd the resting HR react after those 3 beers? After Dry Jan, I feel it after 2 DIPA. My Garmin data shows the HR increase as well as stress.
E2M program Round 1, Week 8, Day 6

Final week of the first round has been pretty much the same as week 7. Stayed on point with the meal plan. However, Thursday morning I woke up really hungry. Drank 32oz of water before doing the spin bike session and that helped, sort of. Felt loopy after, and probably drank another 32oz before leaving for work. The program head coach has mentioned that if you feel like you need to eat, have some fruit. I took a cup of blueberries with me just in case. Meal #1 is usually at 10:30 and I've already been up since 4am. I couldn't take it any more, so BB were gone at 8:30am, which held me over. Heading to Cape May this afternoon to stroll and then a cheat meal at The Ugly Mug, which will be lobster roll, FF and a beer. Been dealing with some sinus congestion this week and sleep hasn't been bad, just not great. Resting H.R. was a few ticks up from last week when I was feeling good. Next week is an "off" week between Rnd1 and Rnd 2. We're allowed to pick any weekly meal plan from the 8wks and 2 cheat meals are allowed. Wife and I have already picked the plan and will be taking advantage of the added cheat meal.

Did the plan circuits again M/W/F and spin bike workouts T/Th. Jumping on the bike as soon I'm done typing. Overall I'll be at 7+hrs of activity this week. I'm done with this rollercoaster weather we've been having and ready to get outside more. My thumb is feeling better and may test it with a ride outside next week

Adding the decimal place this week as I was just rounding before.
1/2/22 Starting weight = 235.4
2/26/22 Current weight = 206.2
Diff: weekly down 1.8, total lost = 29.2
Original goal was just to drop 2lbs a week for 16lbs total. After losing that much in 4wks, raised the goal to 30lbs. Well I almost got there and definitely happy with it. I've haven't been this low in a long time. I've always had a hard time losing weight, no matter what I did. Dry January and the I.F. meal plan worked great. Been at Clydesdale weight since I graduated college in '90, and racing the mtb at 220-240lb range since '08. Looking forward to seeing the riding/racing gains with the weight loss.

My wife is down 2lbs this week, for a total loss of 14lbs. Her goal was originally 10lbs and adjusted to 15lbs after week 4.

As I've mentioned in previous posts, we're going to do another 8wk round of this plan. It is a fitness and meal plan that will provide rapid weight loss, then once you reach your goal, it's all maintenance to stay there.
FB link:
Sign-ups open Thurs, Mar 3 and program plan starts Mon, Mar 7th. If you have any questions, we can discuss, DM me.
E2M program Round 1.5, Week 0, Day 6

This week is called Week 0 as it's a break between rounds. Chose to use Week 2 meal plan because a fruit serving was allowed with each meal. A 2nd cheat meal was also included this week so wife and I had dinner with my parents at our favorite cafe. Beer, scallops and Key Lime pie. Sunday will be having PEC on a bagel for breakfast. Oh yes, we thoroughly plan our cheat meals.

Did Wk2 circuits and spin bike sessions. Picked up a set of Bowflex adjustable dumbells at Costco because strength is returning and will be needed for Rnd 2. Going for a ride on the rigid SS this morning to test the thumb. 1st ride since Halloween.

1/2/22 Starting weight = 235.4
3/5/22 Current weight = 204.4
Diff: weekly down 1.8, total lost = 31
Finally reached my 8wk goal, a week later. Monday officially starts the next 8wk round and I'm shooting for another 15-20lbs by April 30th. With more consistent circuits, adding some extra credit workouts and riding, should have no problem. Will need to shop for clothes soon. Size 40 pants are looking baggy, and the 38s are already feeling loose. Need to shorten my belt again.
FB link:
Sign-ups opened Thurs, Mar 3 and program plan starts Mon, Mar 7th. If you have any questions, we can discuss, DM me.
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How'd the resting HR react after those 3 beers? After Dry Jan, I feel it after 2 DIPA. My Garmin data shows the HR increase as well as stress.

the climb at the end is while i was sitting at the table.
I should find some control data to see what happens when just eating...
The flat part around 1000 is sitting on the plane

it is a bit elevated now, and my back hurts from the strange bed.
Looking at my running shoes. just looking.


oh and

the climb at the end is while i was sitting at the table.
I don't have any control data to see what happens when just eating...
The flat part around 1000 is sitting on the plane

it is a bit elevated now, and my back hurts from the strange bed.
Looking at my running shoes. just looking.

View attachment 180058

oh and

View attachment 180059
Will need to visit that brewery in Dec when we visit PSL.
Will need to visit that brewery in Dec when we visit PSL.

food was excellent - food truck type, but permanent installation.
Vibe was interesting - nice indoor space, and larger outdoor space -
diverse crowd, there was a stand-up comedian around 8:00.

Beer was ok.
Start :205
3/6 : 188, again

3rd week stuck on 188. Rode a fair amount, guess I ate too much or snacked my face off. Plateaued. I did crush a couple IPAs after the ride, so that’s 2 lb. Yeah , I lost 2lb, that’s the ticket.

I’ve been trying to do better, guess I need to do better. I’d like to lose another 10+ this month.
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